At Last

Both IKEA IVAR bookcases are up and have been put to work: finally.

Two days ago I hired a handyman to finish the work. This was after months of begging Ron to get it done. Ron was furious.

Turns out, the handyman is a great person. He even was good company for Ron, claimed he enjoyed his stories. We’ve placed Ron’s toys and are enjoying seeing them.

I dropped off New Year’s gifts for the boys and their folks. Maybe overdoing it, dunno.

I’ve been hacking at SendGrid and Warranty. Jim helped me with MRS, I have a couple of bugs to fix.

Forgot to Take Pictures (Darn)

Alyssa gifted us with homemade fudge, cookies and school photos of the boys!

She brought them over yesterday to see the tree and unwrap their gifts. Toy money and squiggle stuff were the big hits. I hope they enjoy their serious science experiment kits, too.

We’ve mailed all the Christmas/Happy Holidays cards.

Rockland refunded us for the felonious charge against our joint account.

Had a fine conversation with the Major at the North Adams Salvation Army office. She approved our grant of $400 from the Good Neighbor Fund for oil. We are paid up until they bill us for the oil tank.

We enjoyed a holiday meal at the Berkshire Food Project.

I cleaned and disinfected under the kitchen sink.

The pest company person was here to inspect and offer suggestions for controlling mice.

I had a good appointment with my new doc. He is very likeable.

Got a little food chopper at the Senior Center Secret Santa!

Ron is off to drop off boxes of scrap paper to the transfer station and get a haircut.

I sent money to Ethan Crumbley. Pleased to see the number of people who are not afraid to express public sympathy for him. VERY pleased to be a subscriber to the Detroit News, which broke the story about Trump’s phonecall to two Michigan electors.

Ordered a bed for the guest bedroom.

Hike in the Woods

Enjoyed a 1.5-mile walk with a group of nice people and a first rate Hike Leader, Dana from Williamstown Rural Lands.

Finished decorating the tree and put the storage boxes in the sunroom.

Continued work on Warranty.

Ron made a visit to the A-Frame Bakery and the quilt shop.

Pushing Christmas

Last night we did a drive around Williamstown to see Christmas lights. I put up the tree and strung lights; we both festooned it with garland. I’ve been hanging ornaments off and on. Fortunately, the tree fits easily next to the living room windows. For the first time in 20+ years, we have a living room large enough for the tree!

I couldn’t find the tree stand but scored a bargain at Carr’s: $5 for a folding stand for an artificial tree; it is great.

I made two versions of postcards announcing our new address for inclusion in our holiday cards. Bought stamps at the post office and more hangers at Walgreens.

Just made an appointment to apply for the Good Neighbor Fund.

Off shortly to Secret Santa at the Senior Center.

RSV, Mulch, Railing, Minisplits

We got our shots yesterday at Walgreens.

Ron finished installing the railing!

We made another stop for CDs at BrewHaHa yesterday.

Uploaded a temporary MRS Home page.

Returned the apron to Amazon.

This morning I put mulch on the tulip bulbs, finally.

Jonah from WTPI, the HVAC company, did a quick inspection for minisplits and a furnace return vent.

Ron saw his eye doctor and is scheduled for laser treatment to drain fluid from his eyes and prevent glaucoma from getting worse.

We’ve Been Busy

We did quite a bit during the Williamstown Holiday Walk.

We sampled soups on the Williams campus and visited a holiday fair at the Congregational church.

In the evening, we attended a La Posada meal at the Episcopal church and Lessons and Carols at Thompson Chapel.

Three different churches in one day: a record, I think.

Sunday we had a pancake breakfast at the elementary school and took advantage of free admission at Clark.

Today we had coffee at Brew Ha-Ha, which is closing this week. Then we had lunch at the Berkshire Food Project and brought home produce as well as cooked chickens for our neighbors.

Shower Stall

Plumber Number Four (Marty from Ashley Swift, Williams Fix-It, Norman, Mr. Rooter), and the most cheerful of the lot, examined the vents and pronounced them done correctly.

I am relieved to be done with Plumber World, at least I hope we’re done.

Ron bought a stud finder and rum.

Woke up at 2:30. Our supply of coffee is whole bean only.

I am working with Nicole on a schedule for 2024.

Woke up again around quarter to nine. Ron was hopping mad, claiming that there’s no wood to mount one of the railing holders, demanded that I contact the carpenter. Fortunately, I had the construction photos to prove there is (wood).

Country Mouse

Ron has trapped eight mice over the last two nights.

Ron sanded the railing and did more work on the third bedroom book shelf.

I ordered more IVAR pins from IKEA.

Microwaved white potatoes and steamed Brussels sprouts for dinner last night. Asparagus tonight.

Pest control salesperson visited today. Prices are stratospheric with no guarantee of complete success.

Filled out the Town’s survey on water connections this morning.


Canceled the plumber for tomorrow.

Touched up bedroom walls.

Culled two weeks’ or more worth of emails, one from the insulation company, which kindly offered to send an inspector to check out the bedroom walls.

Mouse chewed a plastic bag that held Ron’s brownies last night. Ron is setting up traps.

We got married 13 years ago today, at the Chapel of the Bells in Reno, officiated by the Rev. George Flint.

Reverend Flint was the senior lobbyist for the Nevada Legal Brothel Owners Association and was honored for this service by his State Senator.

This fact, which I discovered only after the deed was done, caused Ron no end of merriment.

We refer to November 26, 2010, as A Day That Will Live In Infamy, not as bad as Pearl Harbor, but close.

In case you are wondering, the gifts for this particular anniversary are lace, furs and textiles.

We could use a King-sized blanket.

Last Mow!

I hope so anyway. Ron was out there yesterday cutting away: stout heart.

I did some indoor chopping: carrots, kale, turnips. Apples for pie. Cheddar biscuits. Gourmet vegetarian meal with hollandaise.

Ron brought home wine and seltzer.

Touched up the baseboard in the third bedroom.

Did something to my right neck and shoulder. They’re loosening up.

I determined that the water pipe to the town line is not lead.

Set up wreathes, candles and the little Christmas tree.