Here is a list of the 164 US theaters that, in spite of pressure from the Republican right, will be showing Fahrenheit 9/11 starting June 25.
There are only 7 theaters in Massachusetts on this list, but I’m proud to say that no fewer than THREE of these (N. Falmouth, Dennis and P-town) are located on Cape Cod.
This from the Boston Irish Reporter:
If John Ashcroft’s loss to a deceased opponent in the 2000 Missouri Senate race wasn’t enough reason to hold him in mocking contempt, the fact that his Patriot Act has rendered BC’s Gaelic Roots Festival obsolete should carry you over the finish line. We’ll see him in the other place.
Tomorrow, June 16, is the 100th anniversary of Bloomsday, the 24-hour period in which Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom each took their epic journeys through Dublin in James Joyce’s Ulysses, the world’s most highly acclaimed modern novel.
See you at the Katharine Cornell theater in Vineyard Haven this Thursday the 17th for the annual Bloomsday Celebration with Arts & Society.
ReJoyce, Sl
Former US Diplomats, Military Officials Oppose Bush
Thanks to Cindy for this one: tomorrow, 26 retired diplomats and military officers will issue a statement urging Americans to vote against Bush this November.
Continue reading Former US Diplomats, Military Officials Oppose Bush
Five Congressional Votes
Progressive journalist David Sirota recounts 5 recent votes (2 House, 3 Senate) that, once again, debunk the Republican party’s hypocritical claims to patriotism, support of the military, environmental stewardship and fiscal responsibility.
Read these, write a check, vote with your feet on November 2.
Unconscious Mutterings
More free association from Luna Niña, play first, peek later:
Optimist, Pessimist, Engineer
In a recent poll, Code Project asked its readers the following:
Are You an Optimist or a Pessimist?
I’m an optimist (everything will work out)
I’m a realist (things break, the world turns)
I’m a pessimist (it’ll never work properly)
I’m a panic merchant (it’ll break and catch on fire)
I’m an engineer (It can only break if the design was poor)
Continue to see how 1,582 of your peers and colleagues voted.
Gardener’s Diary
Good news this week, we have the first wild strawberries, the fairy rose has started to bloom, as is right and proper for June, and the white irises along the picket fence are beautiful this season.
Is It Over Yet?
I agree with the 61% of us who voted “yes” in the online CNN poll: the amount of media coverage of Ronald Reagan’s death was “too much”. Insufferably too much.
And So It Goes
Coincidentally, on the same day that one of my online matches and I had our first serious disagreement, CNN ran a story about the limitations of Internet dating services.