Gardener’s Diary

Good news this week, we have the first wild strawberries, the fairy rose has started to bloom, as is right and proper for June, and the white irises along the picket fence are beautiful this season.

The white and yellow pansies in the back porch planters which I thinned out last week are enormous and abundant, along with the lemon thyme.
The deep purple Campanula in the “romance garden” and the fuscia wood geraniums in the shade garden are also blooming profusely; unlike last year, even one of the Ladies Mantles is flowering.
A mourning dove has made a neat little nest of grass clippings in the hanging impatiens, I startled her this morning when I tried to water.
The healthy-looking Penstemon and Larkspur will add color in high summer, and the gigantic Montauk daisies hold the promise of delighting us with the last blossoms before fall, a farewell to the summer that has just started so beautifully on Cape Cod.