The great Ray Charles passed this morning, and we music lovers are the poorer for it.
Back to Normal (Thank Goodness)
Out of the fire and back to normal, that’s how I’m feeling right now about the world of dating and mating.
Farewell to the Great Communicator
I never liked Ronald and Nancy Reagan. Between his preaching small government while tripling the national deficit and her insufferable smugness because she was lucky enough to be born petite, they were not my favorite White House couple.
Property Values Are Hot, Hot, Hot
Here’s an update from the Barnstable County Register of Deeds:
For May 2004, the average sale price of property in Mashpee was $378,800, not taking account of sales over $1,000,000.
That’s a 28 PERCENT increase in individual property sales value from May 2003.
By comparison, for Barnstable County as a whole, the average sale price for properties under $1,000,000 was $367,247, an increase of 14.2% from this time last year.
It Just Gets Worse
In this morning’s New York Times, columnist Nicholas Kristof reports that one of our soldiers in Guant
Gardener’s Diary
The pansies that have been in the back porch planters since Easter weekend are doing so well that I may need to thin them out, so I dragged out the last, unused flower box and may be filling it tomorrow. Probably means another trip to the nursery, what a hardship!
Peter’s ailing holly tree appears to be responding to many inches of rain and last week’s heavy feeding of Hollytone. Hope reigns eternal.
The Fairy Rose, considered by serious horticulturalists to be an invasive species, is loaded with buds. Yesterday, I cut back a dozen or so errant, heavy branches that had no flowers.
Chrysler Town & Country
Remind me to tell you how much I love the ads for this automobile.
The elegant little musical background transports me every time I hear it to a place where Montauk daisies grow and canapes are served at sunset soirees.
You are welcome to come to the soirees, just bring your urbane wit and a good stock of entertaining stories.
It’s a good thing I don’t have money, otherwise I’d be an even more unbearable, rhapsodic snob.
And It Only Took Them Two Years
11 year old Ella Gunderson of Bellevue, Washington, made headlines recently as a result of a letter she wrote to the upscale retailer, Nordstrom.
I’ve hesitated – for years – to get involved with online dating services, but a couple of months ago, decided to join eHarmony, maybe because they were running one of their regular “specials”. Also, a friend recently made a spectacular match through another online service, so I decided to give it a try.
Unconscious Mutterings
From Luna Niña:
- Lover :: when you’re near me
- Ridiculous:: excuse (as in “the dog ate my homework” versus “excused from jury duty”)
- Oscar:: Peterson
- Tennis:: Elbow
- Account Balance:: zero
- Hickey:: James (oh, sorry, was thinking of the poet James Dickey)
- License:: to kill
- Breathmints:: Certs (branding, branding, my gosh)
- TexMex:: chile
- Stepmother:: wicked