Gone, gone, gone.
Why You Should Get A Million Dollars
Last night’s finale of the reality show “The Benefactor” was a dud.
Too bad, because host Mark Cuban is a high-energy, funny, interesting guy with some worthwhile opinions about what makes a business person successful.
Bad Call In Dennis
In reference to my posts a few days ago about a dog that bit not one, but as it turns out, two children at a fund-raiser in Dennis, the town dog officer has decided that no criminal charges will be filed against the owner because in her view, there was no “intent” on his part to harm others.
You can read the full story for free, provided you link to it before the 23rd, on the Cape Cod Times website.
Right-thinking citizens can only hope that the parents of the child who was maimed by this “pony sized” dog will pursue a civil suit.
Meanwhile, if you’re walking around in the town of Dennis, especially with young kids, bring your (properly licensed, of course) stun gun and/or your mace.
What If No One Wins?
Although the pollsters show that neither Bush or Kerry are projected to win the necessary 270 electoral college votes to be elected, I haven’t seen any speculation about that outcome in either the popular or alternative press.
The League of Women Voters excellent website describes the Constitutional process; here’s a summary.
In a Nutshell
Endorsements of the Presidential candidates by high-profile US newspapers have begun, but according to a story on CNN, the Tampa (Florida) Tribune, which has endorsed Republicans for president in every election but one in the past half-century, said it would issue no endorsement this year.
Code Camp, The Return
I just got back from a two-day seminar in Waltham with about 400 other Microsoft developers at the second edition of Code Camp, an opportunity to learn from experts in .NET and to talk with programmers from all over New England.
Dog Story, Part II
Yesterday, I posted an entry about an English Mastiff which attacked and maimed a 9 year old boy last weekend during, ironically, a fund-raiser for animals on our fair peninsula.
Banana Republic
Hey, a few hundred million here, a few voters there: seems like the Republican party and the Bush administration have the same disdain for basic accounting principles as some of their fat-cat CEO buddies.
Public Anger and Chicken-Hearted Officials
For the second time in less than a month, an irresponsible dog owner on our little peninsula has harmed an innocent victim – this time, a 9 year old boy, the same age as my oldest grandchild.
And the chicken-hearted officials who are responsible for our health and safety have once again, punted on their responsibilities.
I learned about IRV, or Instant Runoff Voting, in a recent interview on Bill Moyers’ NOW with the four third-party Presidential candidates who have qualified to be placed on enough state ballots to theoretically be electable.