Holiday Village

Last night, the grandkids and I went to the Holiday Village at the Barnstable County Fairgrounds across the street from my neighborhood.
It was a delightful visit that (incredibly) all 3 of them enjoyed, and I’m glad we went. It was the first year for this particular event, and I hope it’s successful enough to be repeated.
The Fairgrounds is owned by the Barnstable County Agricultural Society Inc. and the Holiday Village is sponsored the Barnstable County Cooperative Extension.

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Gardener’s Diary

Bob and I raked leaves last weekend, which is just as well, it’s much colder today and wouldn’t be as much fun, even though we had a stiff wind.
In these short days to Winter Solstice, I put up the tree and the Christmas decorations a little early, including a beautiful grapevine, cedar and arbor vitae wreath from this year’s Woods Hole Village Renaissance Fair.
The three grands did make it to the house for dinner the other night, and the younger two helped decorate the tree, while I hooked up the DVD player so they could watch a movie. We postponed the visit to the Holiday Village until tonight after supper, but the youngest was so upset about missing the “Cwistmas lights” that we drove by so that he could see them.

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A Handful of Random Post-Election Thoughts

If Bill Clinton had “delivered” Arkansas for the Democrats, and John Edwards had done the same with North Carolina, John Kerry would be the President-elect.
And why didn’t MoveOn give a hand to Doris “Granny D” Haddock in her run for Senator from NH? As previously noted, MoveOn’s rate of success was pathetic: only 5 of their 27 candidates for the House or the Senate were elected.

Continue reading A Handful of Random Post-Election Thoughts