Gardener’s Diary

I’ve been amazed at the resilience of the seemingly fragile new-growth spring plants, which withstood a brutal Nor’easter earlier this week.
The only casualties were some very tiny Coleus which I’d put in just before the storm. Everything else not only survived, but apparently thrived with all the rain, even though it seems we’ve had maybe 15 minutes of sun since last weekend.

Continue reading Gardener’s Diary

$16 Investment, $64 Result

Yesterday, after trying without success to fit a programmatic square peg into a round hole, I visited one of our local nurseries for stock to complete a planter on the deck.
The season is very late this year, and even though Memorial Day weekend is not too far off, the weather has been lousy, not at all typical of Spring. Between these two, it’s been hard to find healthy-looking plants: the dampness and cold have resulted in spindly stocks and yellowed or even decayed leaves.

Continue reading $16 Investment, $64 Result

Sube and Slushies

I bought my Subaru Impreza in 1994. It’s a ’93, the last one on the lot, and I got it for a good price, I think around $12,000 after dealer discounts. Peter helped me pick it out after we made the rounds at several different dealerships.
It now has over 221,000 miles. Although it’s needed maintenance-type repairs through the years, every mechanic who has worked on it says it’s worth hanging on to.

Continue reading Sube and Slushies

Pecs and the City

For the past several weeks, I’ve been working off and on in Boston, something I’ve sworn in the past not to do because of the long haul, but in spite of the inconvenience, it’s been a good break from the usual.
This has involved, among other things, carrying one and sometimes two computers, and doing a lot more walking than is possible here, where one or two inconsiderate neighbors allow their Rottie and other beasts with fangs and claws to roam freely, thus terrorizing the rest of us.

Continue reading Pecs and the City


First attempt at uploading photos to Flickr, which is an awesome service of Yahoo.
The ones of Emme’s First Holy Communion were taken today with the new Kodak digital camera.