Went with a friend to the annual music “festival” at Coonamessett Farm in East Falmouth last night.
The music wasn’t to our liking, but I got some nice photos.
What’s the Problem?
In Lawrence, MA, a decorated Iraq war veteran fired a gun at a crowd of rowdies after someone threw a bottle into his apartment.
His neighbors think Daniel Cotnoir is a hero.
The local media, though, are tut-tutting about PTSD and helping post-war vets readjust to civilian life.
Me, I’m trying to understand (seriously) what the local media are talking about.
Major Sleaze
If you can stand it, here’s a picture of Bush-sympathizer Larry Northern, the “patriot” who destroyed the wooden crosses at Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas, last night.
The crosses had been set up to honor the over 1,800 American military personnel who have died in Iraq.
Well, at least the Police department in Crawford is doing their jobs in a professional way. Within hours, Northern was arrested and charged with Criminal Mischief.
Really Smart, or Really Stupid
Something told me yesterday to transfer the bulk of my retirement accounts to a Money Market Fund, and so I did.
As of this hour, the Dow is down 78 points.
Break in the Weather
Miraculously, this morning, we were delivered from a stultifying week of record-breaking heat and humidity.
Right now, it’s about 70 degrees, with overcast skies.
Writer Stirling Newberry is of the opinion that the high price of oil has less of an impact on the US economy now than it did in 1980 for several reasons, among them the waning influence of manufacturing on total petroleum demand.
So, How Will You Spend Your Money This Weekend?
The beneficent Mass. legislature has declared this weekend the second-in-history sales-tax-free holiday, for purchases under $2,500.
Continue reading So, How Will You Spend Your Money This Weekend?
Falling Stars
This morning, I was up early enough (3:30) to see 4 or 5 meteors from the annual Perseids Meteor Shower, products of comet Swift-Tuttle.
Gardener’s Diary
I bought four pots of Proven Winners “Flying Colors” Diascia hybrid to replace the pansies in the window boxes at #11.
Peter decided they’d be better off here, though, so I’m integrating them into my flower boxes on the porch.
One Person Can Make a Difference (Unfortunately)
Couple of entries this week into the “Pigs is Pigs” sweepstakes: Alaska Representative Don Young and judge Chancellor William B. Chandler III of Delaware’s Chancery Court.
Continue reading One Person Can Make a Difference (Unfortunately)