Waiting for Nineveh

The success or failure of the referendum on the Iraqi constitution rests on the vote from Nineveh, one of the provinces with a significant Sunni Arab population.
If 3 of the 14 provinces reject the document with 2/3 or more of the vote, the referendum will fail.
So far, Anbar and Salaheddin provinces have rejected the document, with votes of 96% and 82%, respectively. This was expected.
Meanwhile, the Iraqi electoral commission is already looking into possible voting irregularities, and expressed “surprise” at Secretary Condoleeza Rice’s assertion in London last week that the constitution would be approved.

Riddle Me This

Since opening my first email account, and especially over the last two years, I’ve received hundreds if not thousands of SPAM about housewives looking for love, hot Latinas, phone sex solicitations, etc.
I haven’t received one, not ONE, SPAM email about lonely men looking for a “date”.
Seriously, why is that?

Continue reading Riddle Me This

Winter’s Here

We haven’t had a frost or Indian Summer yet, and the leaves haven’t even started turning, but yesterday, I turned on the heat for the first time, so Winter has arrived.

The Truth Hurts

Adam Pertman, executive director of the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, sent letters earlier this week to Saks and FAO Schwartz, blasting them with words like “insidiously offensive”, “stigmatizing” and “demeaning”.
The reason for Mr. Pertman’s fury? A new toy called the “Newborn Nursery Adoption Centers”.

Continue reading The Truth Hurts


That’s the allocation of public funds FROM MASSACHUSETTS ALONE that have been granted by the state Legislature for EACH evacuee transported from New Orleans to Camp Edwards on Cape Cod.
Put another way: that’s over half a million dollars for a family of five.
In addition, evacuees can choose between a federal cash benefit of $26,000 for housing, transportation, etc., or assistance covering 100 percent of rent and utilities for a year.
Peter, Bonnie and the kids should be so lucky.

Continue reading $108,000