Frig, Body Shop, BigY, Cumby

Warranty company is only offering $400, I asked for an explanation.

Went to the Senior Center expecting to see the fifth graders, but their teacher cancelled. Left a contribution for the Valentine’s Day party.

Picked up batteries for the artificial candles and did a shop at BigY. Filled the Corolla at the Cumby in North Adams. Stopped at West’s for wine.

Got a quote from Al’s to fix the scrape on the driver’s side.

Finished up Warranty and Major Units as far as I can take them and uploaded to the server.

Rockland and IKEA came through on the refund!


We cut down the three big grasses today. Took me two trips to the transfer station. Nice day to work outside, 40’s.

Made pancakes for lunch. Packaged soup for supper.

No word from anyone on our refrigerator situation. Called the warranty company, left a message for the appliance company.

Madsen Overhead Doors; Blood Donations

I called three overhead door repair shops today before Ron and I left for lunch at the senior center.

We expected one of the companies between 2 and 4.

After a quick lunch with the center director, we stopped at the blood mobile parked at the Congregational Church. Fortunately, they had cancellations so were able to sign us up and take our blood then and there.

We got home around 2. Shortly thereafter, a tech from another garage door repair company, Madsen, arrived and fixed our problems. Bolts were loose and the chain needed to be tightened.

Ryan plans to be here tomorrow to put in the new window sash.

I am relieved.

Frig, Kid Party

The frig is working fine. It was running too hot due to combination of ignorance and stupidity.

Never occurred to me to look for a manual so we could find the temperature adjustment, which was way out of kilter.

The repairman says that happens because of a power outage, and we’ve had a couple, although one was very brief and one was only a couple of hours.

I’ve been making a halfhearted attempt to clean the bathrooms. The shower head and neck came apart in the upstairs shower, but Ron fixed it.

We did a big transfer station run a couple of days ago: paper, trash, compost, recycling and the old coffeemaker. I managed to clear snow and ice on the deck between the door and the stairs.

The frig repairman said he might have a solution to the occasional sour smell in the upstairs shower.

The boys and their Dad came over on Friday afternoon after school to check out the toys.

Today we dropped in to the 6 year old’s birthday party at a bounce room next to a bowling alley. Nice spread and we got to meet the four grandparents! It was across the street from Walmart, so I was able to pick up a prescription and do a shop.

More House Maintenance

The furnace stopped working this past Monday and the owner of our oil company urged us to let them check it out rather than fiddle with the reset.

He detected a draft and discovered that the chimney pipe is badly rotted. The owner of the company he recommended checked it out yesterday and sent a crew to fix it today.

Who knows how long this pipe has needed to be replaced. We are told that we could have had a fire. After all the work and money that have gone into this house in the last year: that would have been the final blow.

We’re expected our first contractor to come back tomorrow to replace a couple of window panes as well as a mini-split/vent company owner to follow up on a visit by one of his people last December.

We have an appointment with a refrigerator repair person on Saturday. The frig temps are below what they need to be: about 42 degrees in the main compartment and 20 in the freezer. This was arranged and will be paid for by Liberty Home Guard warranty.

Meanwhile, MRS is rolling along and I’ve done about as much as I can on Warranty and even Major Units until I get some feedback.


I’ve been working on Warranty and got it to work, but yesterday I was in Summer sleep clothes and think I was chilled to the bone. Took a shower around 3:30, dressed warmly afterwards and felt great, but today at 5 I have no incentive to do much of anything but sleep.