Insight Came and Left

We had a good rainstorm last night.

We went to the Senior Center for lunch and a discussion of Advanced Directives that included a fair amount of information that was new to me at least.

Afterwards we dropped by to see Linnea who is expecting to be discharged in about three weeks and picked up peanut butter at S&S.

The Insight crew was gone by the time we got back. Waiting to hear when they’ll return.

This morning I picked up a discussion group book at the library. Inspired by the volunteer gardeners who were working on the pollinator plots, I emptied the 10-gallon bucket and bagged weeds and invasives at home. I put the chunks of turf that were in the wheelbarrow on a tarp to dry and cleaned up the poor wheelbarrow, which has been outside for a couple of weeks.

Working; Libertarians Boo Trump

Made the bed, put away the laundry. Watered. Dug up weeds and trimmed a random woody plant that was choking the astilbe on the SW side of the house. Placed the ant traps under the sink.

Ron put up the clever wooden jar lid loosening device that was a house warming gift. Works beautifully.

Proud of my Libertarian brethren for booing the non-Libertarian Trump at our national convention. It made the news in all quarters. Turns out, four of us voted in the Williamstown primaries this year.

Spent a couple of hours visiting open studios at Greylock, Norad and Eclipse Mills. My favorite artist was in and I gushed unsparingly. I’d like to go back for small works, need cash to spare the artists the expense of bank card processing.

Made a nice salad (took an hour from start to cleanup, appalling), baked french fries and grilled burgers for supper.

My study is very comfortable with the A/C on.


Yesterday Ron mowed the yard front and back.

I washed the kitchen and first floor bathroom floors.

The boys tossed balls to us over the fence until they got bored, I guess. Good exercise for us.

This morning I picked up dill, Shasta Daisies and Garden Phlox at the Pine Cobble School annual sale. Got them watered and in the ground.

We dropped by the Senior Center art show, the NORAD mill candy store and the Mass MOCA open house.

Ron treated us to beer from Bright Ideas Brewing and lunch – falafel wrap, sweet potato fries, fried mozzarella wedges from BIGGDADDY’s Philly Steak House. It was nice to see so many people walking around and enjoying themselves on a gorgeous Saturday.

A/Cs, Solar

The Insight electricians worked the entire morning.

We moved the big desk and put in my office (third bedroom) A/C.

Dodging the giant pile of solar panels, Ron was able to get the Corolla into the garage.

I did a quick Stop & Shop trip, mostly for produce.

Outdoor Work; Hot Spell

Ron mowed earlier this week. I washed the sunroom deck wall yesterday. I fell asleep early, got up at 6.

It’s been hot, close to 100 yesterday.

We made a big salad for lunch.

Solar panels arrived yesterday. We put the loose boxes in the garage.

We went for a drive to Hoosick Falls the other day for donuts and flowers. Found a dark purple lantana for the deck: gorgeous color.

Have been trying to get stains out of the living room rug with limited success.

2+ Miles

I completed two hikes on Sunday, one in the morning at Mt. Berlin and the other at the Clark.

Grateful for my new trekking poles, which helped me right myself from a wobble on boards across a wet area on Mt. Berlin. The trail was steep and muddy at times but I enjoyed it. Good group and excellent guide.

Didn’t do anything else for the rest of the day, fell asleep early.

Lawn; Finished Planting

Planting, which seems so straightforward, always takes longer than I expected. Yesterday I found spots for the last two, one from last weekend’s sale and the mail order viburnum.

Raked the side corner and hope some of the seedlings survived.

After a struggle with the mower, Ron took care of the front and back yards.

Bell visited the deck briefly.

I was warmly greeted at the bank. Did a food shop.

Washed the Corolla.

This morning I swept the deck, mulched the lily of the valley garden and some other spots, and did a little weeding at the other corner garden. Ron got the mower started and took care of a couple of spots that he missed yesterday.

The boys and their Dad came over for a short visit.

Not Much

Accomplished very little today after yesterday’s flurry.

Suffering from mosquito bites. One so bad it woke me up and I ripped it last night.

I had a fine visit to the Williams College Museum of Art. Wanted to see the exhibit of works by the Class of 2024 and was not disappointed.

Made an organic spray for the kitchen to keep down the no see ums, or whatever they are.

Made a beautiful salad and heated soup for lunch.

Did a little detailing in the Corolla, reinstalled the mats. Did a terrible job but it still makes a positive difference.

Ron and I took the truck to West’s for wine and IPA.

Spread a bag of mulch on the center garden.