Got It All Done

Laundry, changed sheets, drove James to work, transfer station.

Put down landscape paper and bags to suppress weeds in the new garden area.

Watered grass seed.

Put leaves on the garlic bulbs.

Grilled sausages for supper.

Relaxed and did nothing!

What A Day!

Ron drove Peter to work. I went to the library to pick up a DVD and chat with historian Rosemary Burns about her new book “Mashpee in Words and Pictures.” Meandered around Oktoberfest as well, signed a petition sponsored by our local Tea Party group to do away with Common Core and PARCC.

Ron drove James to Oktoberfest so he could do some fundraising with a school club.

I started to clean out the herb garden and managed to wound the birch by mistake. It’s a small cut, so the tree should be able to recover by itself, so long as I keep it clean.

By this time, my back was ready to quit, so Ron brought me along to pick up James at the library.








We took off for Orleans after dropping James off. Had coffee and chatted with a Boy Scout and his grandpa at the rest stop on the Mid-Cape. Went to the Addison Gallery to look at the paintings and see BJQ perform.

Decided to take a short walk at Nauset Beach and passed Zia’s on the way.


We returned for the Club Med: fig jam, caramelized onion, feta, prosciutto, mozzarella.


I rented a roller for the day to pack down the seeds and level out the bare patches.

Stopped at the Senior Center for bagels and bread for us and Edgewater.

Ron’s left arm is still bothering him from the flu shot.

Peter schooled his old employer on the definition of “employee” versus “contractor”.

James mowed.

Thunderstorm happening now. We had a brief shower around mid-day.


Laura gave us some outstanding carrot/ginger soup that she made.

Good supper tonight: baked cod, spinach souffle, baked turnip.

Aeration, Overseeding

Weed Man made it over here for the annual aeration and overseeding, which had been delayed due to last week’s rain.

I transplanted the Swiss chard from Laura’s garden and planted four varieties of hard-neck garlic cloves from Mahoney’s.  Put a few in the rose bed, too, to ward off Japanese beetles.

More intestinal distress, yesterday and two days ago.

Went to the School Committee meeting, got to chat briefly with Mike Looney.

Left after the Chairman put off the residency discussion to deal with another matter.  This seems to be a popular ploy at such meetings.

Had my teeth cleaned.  Gave the hygienist’s card to Laura; they have a lot in common.

Went with Laura to a Silent Springs seminar at the Barnstable Town Hall.  Guess this is an annual event.  Excellent presentations.  We stopped on the way back at True Value for sprinklers.

Flu Shots, Garden Plots

Picked up some goods at the Senior Center and then went to Walgreen’s for Senior Discount Day.

Got pneumonia and flu shots.  Ron went there later for his.  We are covered under Medicare Part B.

We mowed the lawn, me the front, Ron the back.  I started staining the deck railings.  Also did a small amount of pruning  in the little corner garden and tied up one of the Montauks.

Made tentative arrangments with a cranberry grower in Sandwich to pick up leaves.  Turns out, he’s the guy Dan from Toyota mentioned!  We hope to organize a posse on the 17th.

Grilled burgers.  Side effect from the shots hit me after supper: couldn’t get warm.  Ron helped me.  Had chills until about midnight.

Full Day

Started with plunder at the Senior Center; Stop & Shop; bagel dropoff at Edgewater; shoveled a small load of loam at the transfer station.

Spread the loam; seeded; fertilized; watered.

Laura and I attended the last “Evening in the Garden” at the Fairgrounds.  Good session on putting your garden to bed.

Drove James home.  Ron cooked a delicious dinner: swordfish, mashed potatoes, salad.

We saw the film “Jack of the Red Hearts” at the Cotuit Center.


No rain today but lots of wind.

Ron and I emptied the washtub and put the seaweed and “tea” on the new garden plot.

Cindy and her family buried her mother and SO today.

Ron drove Robert to and from the Hyannis store.  I rode along to check out, and buy, a landscape rake at Home Depot.  Works pretty well, even on wet soil.

Some intestinal distress today.

Rain. Planting Done.

It rained all day, so I was working on MRS stuff instead of being outside.

Late afternoon, I went out in flip-flops to pick up the paper; it was cold and miserable.  Being dressed inappropriately for the conditions threw me off balance.  I’ve worked on the yard in weather like this, even worse.  The thought that I’m getting older just annoyed me.

Ron offered to cook and brought home almost two pounds of gorgeous salmon steaks.   While he started puttering, I turned on the electric fireplace, put a load of laundry in the washer and dressed to work in the rain:  shorts, workboots and yellow slicker.

This was just about the ideal outfit for a mid-50 degree rain, and there was enough light to work.  After a couple of false starts, I decided on final placement yesterday and was able this afternoon to put the two roses, three grasses and three strawberries in the ground.  It was very easy going, easy digging and easy to get everyone out of their pots.

I tripped over something and fell, but one of the hydrangeas slowed me down, which didn’t do it any good, poor thing.

I saw one of the rabbits on the way back in.


Some People Should Just Keep It Buttoned

I’ve been having trouble for weeks with a previously reliable VPN, SonicWall.

BSOD every time it ran for even a couple of minutes.

I tried every remedy I could find.  One developer noted that it only BSOD’d when running over wifi.

So, yesterday, I bought a 50 foot cat5 cable online from Staples.  Not the cheapest, but still pretty cheap, and I could pick it up at the store in Falmouth.

I’m not sure if the person who fulfilled my order was trying to be helpful, or if he was trying to upsell me, or just a self-important pain in the butt.

He started out by lecturing me about why I should be using wifi.  He then lectured me about how the Comcast combination modem/router was probably at fault, that it was slow, etc.

Meanwhile, he was fumbling around trying to figure out how to fulfill a prepaid order.

I think some people should just mind their own business.  Literally.