Eggs and Weeding

Ron promised to make scrambled eggs this morning, but I forgot to buy some yesterday.

Not wanting to dress for a supermarket trip, I figured there’d be eggs for sale at one of the farms on our hill.

Saw a sign for eggs a short way up but ended up at the cattle farm by mistake. The owner cheerfully directed me to the big white house next door. Fresh eggs for $4 a dozen: not bad and a gorgeous ride and view.

I picked some dandelion greens for a side, which we steamed. By this time, it was just shy of noon, so it was brunch: eggs, greens and bagels.

Afterwards I dug out more dandelions from the front yard and the driveway walkway. Left the ones in the back for the bees. I neglected weeding dandelions last year so happy to have this done.