What A Day!

Ron drove Peter to work. I went to the library to pick up a DVD and chat with historian Rosemary Burns about her new book “Mashpee in Words and Pictures.” Meandered around Oktoberfest as well, signed a petition sponsored by our local Tea Party group to do away with Common Core and PARCC.

Ron drove James to Oktoberfest so he could do some fundraising with a school club.

I started to clean out the herb garden and managed to wound the birch by mistake. It’s a small cut, so the tree should be able to recover by itself, so long as I keep it clean.

By this time, my back was ready to quit, so Ron brought me along to pick up James at the library.








We took off for Orleans after dropping James off. Had coffee and chatted with a Boy Scout and his grandpa at the rest stop on the Mid-Cape. Went to the Addison Gallery to look at the paintings and see BJQ perform.

Decided to take a short walk at Nauset Beach and passed Zia’s on the way.


We returned for the Club Med: fig jam, caramelized onion, feta, prosciutto, mozzarella.