Adoption Research Articles

The odds of a reported suicide attempt were ∼4 times greater in adoptees compared with nonadoptees (odds ratio: 4.23). After adjustment for factors associated with suicidal behavior, the odds of reporting a suicide attempt were reduced but remained significantly elevated (odds ratio: 3.70).

Estimates of the percentage of adopted children seen in mental health settings fall within the range of 5-12%9, or 2.5 to 6.0 times the percentage of adopted children in the general population. 

Busy Saturday

Lizzie had leaked overnight, so I did laundry. It was so humid that the lines were dripping, so everything except for her blanket got thrown in the dryer.

Did the transfer station run and the Master Gardeners’ annual plant sale.

Decided I needed a little fun, so visited Carol and her shop in Chatham. She gave me a great sign: Can’t Fix Stupid. How very true!

Love her shop!

Tried to find Ballantine for Ron, left with Tito’s. Stopped at Agway/Chatham and BJ’s on the way back.

The day before, Bennett minded Lizzie while we visited Heritage. They did a fine job and updated us on some very welcome personal news.

Furnace Fixed

Peter and Nate of Barrett Plumbing was here yesterday to repair the furnace and install new outdoor shower fixtures.

We like that crew!

The NEST is working again.

Lizzie is better, had a normal Trump yesterday.

I did a late Transfer Station run with yard weedings and prunings.

Sprayed the maple again.

Carol submitted my offer to volunteer.

Ron is still trying to get his doctor’s office to resubmit their claim for lab work. It’s been NINE MONTHS. He was told last month it would be done and of course, it never happened.

Productive Weekend

It’s warmed up quite a bit, in the mid-70’s, and I’m feeling much better.

Did some yard work – sprayed the trees this weekend. Did a deep prune of the butterfly bush.

Planted the window boxes. Got shredded straw at Waquoit.

Lily of the Valley out in abundance. The redbud is blooming.

Put down mulch that had some white mold, supposed to be okay.

Spent Saturday from 10 to 1 at the second LCP workshop. Did a pro-Choice standout in Falmouth afterwards. Ron joined later but I didn’t see him.

Lizzie has had diarrhea for a couple of days. Didn’t eat anything yesterday, even plain chicken. We’ve tried to keep up; Ron washed the waterhog rugs. After much discussion (!), he put together a Y-connector so we can bathe her outside with warm water. Poor doggo!

James is coming over for lunch. Having checked out the cost of premade salads at Roche – $7.95 – we peeled potatoes on hand and I picked up a bag of shredded cabbage. Made potato salad and coleslaw this morning.

Cold and Damp

We’ll be living with no heat for a while longer, through the upcoming weekend anyway.

It’s been wretched outside: cold, damp and windy.

Had an hour-long conversation with a fellow Cape Libertarian last night. Was supposed to be a meeting but the organizers couldn’t make it.

He floated the idea of the US breaking up into separate countries, as many as fifteen. Seems like that’s the direction we’re heading. Wonder if that would work.

Started watching “The Year of Living Dangerously” last night. What a film!

Election: Class vs. Crass

Carol won 60% of the vote – an overwhelming stomp.

Karen did well, too. She was the top vote-getter in her race.

I’m beyond relieved.

Ron brought home a pile of music CDs from a thrift shop, then had a meltdown when he thought a stack of music from the Falmouth library was missing.

Turns out, they were in the second bedroom.

Ron’s Birthday, TGIF

We mowed the lawn yesterday. I did the front, Ron did the back and sides.

Tomorrow is town election day. So glad. I was out with Carol and company this morning. Long chat with John.

Got back in time to meet the irrigation crew and go over some tweaks. They were great, as always.

Lizzie woke Ron up at 9, so he did get to sleep in a little. He didn’t want anything special for his birthday. I picked up strawberries and melting chocolate. Had those for dessert after supper of salad and grilled burgers.

Checked out the young trees for bugs. Seem okay for now.

Was hurting all day. Legs mostly. Took ibuprofen and slept for a bit after supper.

Rain started this evening and is expected to continue through tomorrow. Nice for the new planting and transplanting!

Planting, Adjuster, Missed Town Meeting

I was scheduled to watch “The Girls Who Went Away” at the same time that Town Meeting started last night.

I was pretty tired, having finished planting the lilac and transplanting five other dearies, including the white Phlox and several daylilies. I also dug up a pile of weeds.

Ron wanted to join a standout but forgot that Town Meeting is at the HS, so he waited in vain at Town Hall.

As a result, we ended up not going and watched it on TV. Just as well, our votes wouldn’t have made a difference, and a couple of articles that I cared about were indefinitely postponed. Too bad we missed an opportunity to demo for our candidates. Oh, well, there will be plenty of standouts this week and on election day.

Last night, Ron stepped in a Lizzie Trump, and I did the same this morning. Oh, joy.

The insurance company desk adjuster and I caught up by phone this morning. I’ve been so absent-minded, I forgot to call him yesterday.

Rained last night; good timing for the planting.

Waiting for a Part

We heard thMade at the part needed to get our furnace running should be in this week.

Meanwhile, the HVAC company lent us a couple of space heaters.

Ron fretted when I went to pick them up, figuring they wouldn’t fit in the truck, but they are tiny things, about half the size of a boom box.

I bought a small, fragrant lilac and have been fighting with myself to finish planting it.

Fried eggs for Lizzie and me this morning, and that’s about all the cooking I’ve done for days.

Have been trying to sort out claims of responsibility for saving a couple of acres of conservation land from sewage treatment substation use.