Planting, Adjuster, Missed Town Meeting

I was scheduled to watch “The Girls Who Went Away” at the same time that Town Meeting started last night.

I was pretty tired, having finished planting the lilac and transplanting five other dearies, including the white Phlox and several daylilies. I also dug up a pile of weeds.

Ron wanted to join a standout but forgot that Town Meeting is at the HS, so he waited in vain at Town Hall.

As a result, we ended up not going and watched it on TV. Just as well, our votes wouldn’t have made a difference, and a couple of articles that I cared about were indefinitely postponed. Too bad we missed an opportunity to demo for our candidates. Oh, well, there will be plenty of standouts this week and on election day.

Last night, Ron stepped in a Lizzie Trump, and I did the same this morning. Oh, joy.

The insurance company desk adjuster and I caught up by phone this morning. I’ve been so absent-minded, I forgot to call him yesterday.

Rained last night; good timing for the planting.