Week One

It rained for most of the day. In spite of some substantial downpours, not enough.

Smokey came by for a third time yesterday. We felt so badly for him, since Ron was grilling steaks.

Had a better night, although still had to get up three times.

Practicing turns with the scooter.

Ron was busy: transported Robert back and forth, stopped at the Senior Center, did a pretty substantial shop.

My leg has become quite bruised, which was expected.

Unloaded the dishwasher, made lunch (stuffed squash) and added functionality to NEPS. Ordered Meals on Wheels starting Wednesday.

Hurting tonight, took about an hour and a half for the pain med to kick in. Hurts everywhere: ankle, knees, back, shoulders.

Done with week one.

Day 6

Had two VNA visits today, from a PT and an RN.

After non-starts Friday and yesterday, Ron was a huge help today.

Another rough night last night. With Ron’s help, though, was able to shower and shampoo my hair and dress before the visitors got here.

I made coffee and toast after midnight. Ron made coffee and lunch, brought in our NYTimes and stowed away Laura’s papers. He also has a laundry going. He helped the PT with final adjustments on the scooter, which I love.

Smokey has already been by twice and it’s not even 2 PM.

Humid, breezy and 86 degrees outside.

Ron is pleased with the response to the new horizontal hummer feeder.


“I was awake until midnight.”

So whined Ron this morning after I cleaned up the living room and made coffee.

Want a little cheese with that?

He left the kitchen a mess – stuff all over the table, sauce on the stove top. Two baskets of laundry on the bed.

I cleaned up the kitchen and the bedroom and folded laundry.

About two hours of work this morning.

I fell last night about two hours after getting home. My muscles had nothing left, strange experience. Hope I didn’t damage the left leg.

Left the hospital around 3-ish yesterday. We took back roads from Centerville, nice ride home. Stopped at the Lion for Ron’s check. He forgot his wallet, so he had to go back to Hyannis for my injections. Full retail, over $600; $8 with insurance. BS.

Garden Update

Today I pulled out a bunch of vines and corn stalks, and harvested several cukes and a handful of Kentucky Wonders.

Asparagus, rhubarb, tomatoes, cukes, basil, rosemary, green onions, garlic and beans did fine-to-great in spite of the drout, and we got one gorgeous Earlidew melon. No complaints about lettuce from earlier in the season, either.

What failed? Corn, radishes, squash, brussel sprouts, strawberries except for the tiny ones.

Next year, I’d like to try Japanese eggplant. I grilled one from the farm the other day and was it ever good!

I will pass on squash except for zucchini.

Henry Higgins Would Have Loved Feminists


Why can’t a woman be more like a man?
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historically fair;
Who when you win will always give your back a pat.
Why can’t a woman be like that?
Why does ev’ryone do what the others do?
Can’t a woman learn to use her head?
Why do they do everything their mothers do?
Why don’t they grow up like their father instead?
Why can’t a woman take after a man?
Men are so pleasant, so easy to please;
Whenever you’re with them, you’re always at ease.
Would you be slighted if I didn’t speak for hours?

Of course not.

Would you be livid if I had a drink or two?


Would you be wounded if I never sent you flowers?


Why can’t a woman be like you?
One man in a million may shout a bit.
Now and then there’s one with slight defects.
One perhaps whose truthfulness you doubt a bit.
But by and large we are a marvelous sex!
Why can’t a woman behave like a man?
Men are so friendly, good-natured and kind;
A better companion you never will find.
If I were hours late for dinner would you bellow?

Of course not.

If I forgot your silly birthday, would you fuss?


Would you complain if I took out another fellow?


Why can’t a woman be like us?
Why can’t a woman be more like a man?
Men are so decent, such regular chaps.
Ready to help you through any mishaps.
Ready to buck you up whenever you up whenever you are glum.
Why can’t a woman be a chum?
Why is thinking something women never do?
Why is logic never even tried?
Straightening up their hair is all they ever do.
Why don’t they straighten up the mess that’s inside?
Why can’t a woman be more like a man?
If I were a woman who’d been to a ball,
Been hailed as a princess to one and to all;
Would I start weeping like a bathtub overflowing?
Carry on as if my home were in a tree?
Would I run off and never tell me where I’m going?
Why can’t a woman be like me?

Gentleman George; Solution Obtained

img_0366Gentleman George Washington Cat dropped by last night AND this morning.

We are wondering about his intentions.

It’s remarkable that he seems to like both of us, equally.


I’ve been experimenting with the new knee rest and decided that sleeping in the living room makes more sense than trying to maneuver getting in and out of bed in our cramped bedroom.  Thank goodness for Ron, who grabbed the sleeper sofa for free two Aprils ago!