Who’s Bright Idea Was This?

The email announcing Donald Trump’s appearance at the national convention must surely be from the Borowitz report or some other satirical outlet.

How many Libertarian principles does Trump honor?

Personal liberty: he’s attacked LGBTQ and Trans people

Free trade: remember those tariffs on Chinese imports?

Immigration: Trump is proposing using the National Guard to deport 15-20 million people

Separation of church and state, respect for the constitution, honoring the self-determination of women of child-bearing age….these are consistent with Libertarian principles and in every case, Trump gets a failing grade.

He was the first modern American president to leave office with fewer jobs than when he was inaugurated. He exploded the national debt. His response to the COVID pandemic was, in the journal “Public Administration’s” classic understatement, “sub-optimal”.

Trump’s temporary tax cuts make him a hero to some. They seem to forget that these expire next year. Let the Republicans have their Trump convention, but please reconsider the decision to invite him to ours. This is not the kind of association that we need – now or ever.