Hypocrisy and the Women’s Marches

Erosion of reproductive rights, which was a major concern of yesterday’s women’s marches, is not a problem for ugly women. It’s a fear which is easily resolved, but in doing so, comes with consequences.

Women who are not “glamorous” or “beautiful” don’t have to worry about unplanned pregnancies, but on the other hand, they will not be able to find a job to support themselves or if they are hired, will be bullied mercilessly and paid less than they are worth.

I suspect that if you were to total the cost of all of the cosmetics of all of the women in yesterday’s first world rallies*, you’d have more money than the combined GDP of the poorest third of the world’s nations.

In other words, money that could have been used to build housing, schools, water treatment facilities and sewers for the most needy people on earth was spent on makeup, hair coloring, etc.

I don’t fault Donald Trump for his so-called sexist attitudes. He’s just being honest. And I call “hypocrite” on anyone who labels themselves a “progressive” and who isn’t as angry as I am about this.

*Approximately $350 billion was spent worldwide on cosmetics in 2015; the total GDP for the poorest 69 countries in the world was $340 billion in 2016.

New Beach

Wandered into Hyannis Port today while I was waiting for Alpha and read for a while at charming Eugenia Fortes (East) Beach.

Finished Fall cleanup at Edgewater, finally. The rest can be done in the Spring.

Rained the last two days; mostly drizzle today. Drove Robert to and from work.

Pruned Orchid; Furnace Filter

It is supposed to rebloom in 3-4 months.

I heat-sterilized a pair of scissors and put a cinnamon slurry on the two cut stems.

Kitty was here, resting. His first visit was around 8 this morning.

While waiting for Robert, I cut down the last of the grasses at Edgewater and brought the pile to the transfer station. Ron is on his way back to get rid of old gasoline.

He replaced the furnace filter.

Work Until You Drop Or Until It’s Done?

Had another kitchen mess this morning, nasty batter that fused so badly to the waffle iron grids that I had to soak them for hours.

Got the “tent” around the hydrangea filled with leaves. Replaced and increased the pile on the daffs, some are starting to sprout.

We did laundry, changed sheets and did the transfer station run. Dropped off pumpkin soup at Edgewater.

Minor tweak to MRS, added a flag for online registration.

Water Filters

Yesterday: made chili for lunch, did some cleanup here and brought a truckload to the transfer station. Spent about 20 minutes at the gym and fed the truck at Cumby’s.

Drove Alpha to work and stopped at Shaw’s on the way back.

Kitty was here for a couple of hours.

Ron changed the filters in the water pitchers.

Today: walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes while Ron checked out the fitness center. Brought home a sandwich from Panera with the balance of the gift card from Cindy. I made pumpkin soup and created a mess on the counter in the process. Good excuse to deep clean.

Ron and I set up a burlap barrier around the purple hydrangea. I finished removing gone-bys from the back.

Some Should-Have-Dones Got Done

Because of the surgery, I’ve been behind the power curve on yard work at Edgewater.

In fact, I haven’t given Edgewater maintenance much thought, but it was so warm today – in the fifties – that it seemed a shame to waste a perfectly good work day.

Peter asked me to drive James home at 2:30, so I stayed for about an hour afterwards, cutting down the big grasses and a few odds and ends in the back yard garden.

It went fast and pretty much filled the truck.  I’ll do a transfer station run tomorrow and try to finish up there and do some minor raking here before the next freeze or snowfall.

Ron, having been occupied until last week with his * $10/hour job, needs to go back to finish cleaning the gutters and downspouts.  He talked with a UI representative today.

Panera has been treating me to a bagel a day – for the whole month of January!

We’ve been eating all month courtesy of Panera and the Pantries.  It makes a big difference.  I am grateful for their help, especially since I found out only today that I owe the Wound Center over $230.