Some Should-Have-Dones Got Done

Because of the surgery, I’ve been behind the power curve on yard work at Edgewater.

In fact, I haven’t given Edgewater maintenance much thought, but it was so warm today – in the fifties – that it seemed a shame to waste a perfectly good work day.

Peter asked me to drive James home at 2:30, so I stayed for about an hour afterwards, cutting down the big grasses and a few odds and ends in the back yard garden.

It went fast and pretty much filled the truck.  I’ll do a transfer station run tomorrow and try to finish up there and do some minor raking here before the next freeze or snowfall.

Ron, having been occupied until last week with his * $10/hour job, needs to go back to finish cleaning the gutters and downspouts.  He talked with a UI representative today.

Panera has been treating me to a bagel a day – for the whole month of January!

We’ve been eating all month courtesy of Panera and the Pantries.  It makes a big difference.  I am grateful for their help, especially since I found out only today that I owe the Wound Center over $230.