Full Day

I’d shut down the computer last evening and my user account failed to restart this morning, but I was able to log in as administrator and restore my settings in the registry.

First thing this morning, the installation manager from Insight did a review of the breaker box and the rafters, said everything looks good. Phew.

My appointment with the eye doctor went well. I was out in time to pick up our lunches at the Senior Center, refrigerate them and go with Ron to the Log Lunch with a presentation by the mayor of Albany.

The ROKU on the big TV failed, claimed there wasn’t enough power from the television. We foolishly ignored the error message which suggested checking the ROKU website for a solution, instead unplugged almost everything, including the modem and router.

Disgusted, I left to investigate the source of loud announcements which have been booming up Henderson Road from time to time. Thought it might be from a playing field either near or on White Oaks, but it was from a Williams College baseball game at Cole Field.

Back home I was able to restore the wifi but we do need a USB power adaptor.

We tore ourselves away from fussing over the wifi and made it to the Berkshire Symphony’s last performance of the season, featuring a Brahms piano concerto and following intermission, a Brahms symphony. It was, as always, better than good.