Always Something To Do

It’s after 12:30 and we’ve been busy since 8 this morning.

I don’t understand how this is possible. I think it’s a combination of gardens and a cat, two labor-demanding lifeforms that I didn’t have when I was working.

Made coffee, fed Mr. Fluffles, went to the Senior Center to drop off a donation to the thrift shop and pick up free bread and a pie.

Sometimes in that same trip (Mondays, Tuesdays and sometimes Fridays) we do business at the bank and sometimes we drop off books or tapes to the library.

After today’s senior center run, we finished breakfast and did watering and pruning. Made a hosta flower arrangement. Cut up a 25 pound watermelon, sent a chunk with Ron to Edgewater and made tomato/feta/watermelon salad.

Ron is in the process of fixing a closet door.