Fluffles’ Road Trip

Emme and James walking beneath a 125 year old tree.
Emme and James walking beneath a 125 year old tree.

We did our summer trip to Newport yesterday with Emme, James and Mr. Fluffles. Lucked out for weather: no rain, but boy was it hot and humid.

Ron set up a neat arrangement for the Fluff in the back of the van: cage, litter box, water dish. I picked up the kids in the truck and brought their trash and yard clippings to the transfer station. They were grossed out by the “big house”! Good, hope that helps them appreciate the conditions under which some people work.

Fluffles is a good traveler and was quiet the entire time. He’s fine today as well. We think this was his first trip off Cape.

The air bag light went on in the van, but we got home safely. Ron’s got an appointment to leave it at the shop tomorrow night.

We had a great time with the kids: visited the Green Animals topiary garden for the first time. It’s an enchanting place. The kids liked the T-Rex the best.

We stopped for lunch at the Newport Creamery on Route 114 and drove to Ocean Drive to see the kite festival. The kids were pleased to see the octopus kite again. So many cars on Ocean Drive and in Newport; we couldn’t quite escape the traffic hard as we tried. We took 214 and 138 back; much prettier drive than 114.