Ron got to use the outdoor shower for the first time this summer after cutting up 11 or so huge chunks of cherry wood yesterday. I delivered the lot to Emma after driving Robert home from work.
She gave us a dozen big, beautiful eggs and treated me to a ginger beer. Gave me a tour of her gardens, too. Her place looks great! I got to meet her nieces. Gabriel planted fava beans; he’ll be three later this summer!
We had drinks with Laura and Joe after supper. Heard a lot of fireworks and saw some in the direction of John’s Pond.
Ascelpias, yarrow, speedwell and Dwarf Bee Balm (Pink Lace Monarda) are blooming. Harvested a couple tablespoons of tiny strawberries for Ron’s cereal this morning.
Cleaned up sawdust from yesterday, finished spreading the black mulch and watered several areas this morning.
Drove to Cumby’s for gas, took a spin through Seconsett.
Splurged on two big Panera salads for lunch.
Laura and I picked up our CSA shares.
Watched “Do The Right Thing”.