First Snow

Big storm today, but Robert didn’t have work and Peter drove Alpha.  We are getting hammered: 8 inches or more.

We got a fair amount yesterday morning, but I was still able to drive Alpha to her training session in Falmouth at 10.

She worked until about 2:15 without a lunch break. Fortunately, I’d loaded her up with coffee and a bagel beforehand.

Ron plowed the driveway and walkway and lent the snow blower to Eric.  We put roofing paper and a tarp on the shed floor to keep it dry.  Never occurred to me to paint it, but I’ll need to do that at some point.  Shoveled most of the deck.

I registered at the Falmouth Service Center and brought home groceries.  Had their spaghetti squash and sauce for supper; it was good.  Very nice assortment of vegetables, salad and antipasto; rice; even milk and cheddar cheese!

The pantries did well by us again tonight: chicken thigh soup with kale, onions, spicy chicken sausage and carrots.  I finished the spaghetti squash and salad from yesterday for lunch.

Snow To Come?

We are ready for the first serious snowfall of the year, 5-8 inches day after tomorrow.

We’re supposed to get 1-3 tonight and tomorrow.  I’m on tap to drive Alpha to Falmouth for training.  Drove James home from school today after his extracurricular.

Ron “found” money in his checking account, his reimbursement for medical expenses last year.  We are still waiting for our accounts to be set up for 2017.

A gentleman at the Williams Sonoma call center saved us $25 today, correcting my return of wrong order bobble.

The Whaling Museum’s annual Moby Dick reading is happening this weekend and will be available on Livestream.   Participants are getting chowder.  Should be nice.

Whoso Stoppeth the Pump

This morning, I was gassing up the truck at Cumby’s and the pump didn’t stop.

Fortunately (I’m being mature here which is not how I felt at the time), another customer noticed and said something.  Whoa.  Whoa.  Whoa.  We do not live in articulate times.

The day improved greatly after that.  Kitty visited twice.  Ron and I had a nice leftovers lunch and brought the tree and blow-downs to the transfer station.  He picked up some flashlight batteries at Botello’s and groceries at Roche.

Back home, we had hot cider, and I’m roasting a small bargain chicken, squash and potatoes.  Ron replaced the toilet seat.

Ron saw his old manager this morning, picked up the things he left at work and got some info for the UI application that he started.

I get a free bagel a day from Panera for the month of January and yes, indeed, cashed in this morning!


Ron Is Liberated; Tree Is Done

Ron found out this morning, by phone, that he was let go.  His manager is devastated.

This is the first time in 58 years that he was fired from a job.  Leave it to Cape Cod and the plantation mentality.

I took the tree down and put away the lights and ornaments.  May leave the outdoor lights up for a bit.  In any event, it rained all day, so not practical to bring them in today.  No visits from Kitty, who turns 11 this month.

Enjoying Brandi Disterheft on JALC.  Watched the end of Shut Eye on Hulu.  Hope it gets renewed.

Horrible GERD last night, kept me up until after 1 AM.

Found an exercise that I hope will help reduce the swelling in my leg.

Peter got a good lab report today so doesn’t need to see his doc for a follow-on until next week.

New Year’s Day

Kitty has been over, twice.

Ron has made an excellent start on laundry.

We treated ourselves to hot showers.

NY Times got rained on and the sections are drying in various places.

Changed wound dressing.  Disgusting, gross, but making progress.

No driving today:  Robert has the day off; Alpha’s store has closed for good; transfer station isn’t open until tomorrow.