First Snow

Big storm today, but Robert didn’t have work and Peter drove Alpha.  We are getting hammered: 8 inches or more.

We got a fair amount yesterday morning, but I was still able to drive Alpha to her training session in Falmouth at 10.

She worked until about 2:15 without a lunch break. Fortunately, I’d loaded her up with coffee and a bagel beforehand.

Ron plowed the driveway and walkway and lent the snow blower to Eric.  We put roofing paper and a tarp on the shed floor to keep it dry.  Never occurred to me to paint it, but I’ll need to do that at some point.  Shoveled most of the deck.

I registered at the Falmouth Service Center and brought home groceries.  Had their spaghetti squash and sauce for supper; it was good.  Very nice assortment of vegetables, salad and antipasto; rice; even milk and cheddar cheese!

The pantries did well by us again tonight: chicken thigh soup with kale, onions, spicy chicken sausage and carrots.  I finished the spaghetti squash and salad from yesterday for lunch.