Whoso Stoppeth the Pump

This morning, I was gassing up the truck at Cumby’s and the pump didn’t stop.

Fortunately (I’m being mature here which is not how I felt at the time), another customer noticed and said something.  Whoa.  Whoa.  Whoa.  We do not live in articulate times.

The day improved greatly after that.  Kitty visited twice.  Ron and I had a nice leftovers lunch and brought the tree and blow-downs to the transfer station.  He picked up some flashlight batteries at Botello’s and groceries at Roche.

Back home, we had hot cider, and I’m roasting a small bargain chicken, squash and potatoes.  Ron replaced the toilet seat.

Ron saw his old manager this morning, picked up the things he left at work and got some info for the UI application that he started.

I get a free bagel a day from Panera for the month of January and yes, indeed, cashed in this morning!