Adding yet a new dimension to the unreality that is our current political environment, Harry Whittington, the 78 year old Texas attorney who was shot by Dick Cheney and suffered a heart attack as a result, did the following:
He apologized.
User Error
A grotesque example of “User Error” as an excuse for lousy, abominable programming practices: check it out.
It’s a real Nor’easter out there, and we have 12 more hours to go.
Bullet Dodged, Snow on the Way
CapeCoder has new life, with a solid start to what could be a six-month contract, within a reasonable commute.
This followed a brief interlude on someone else’s payroll, which helped to keep the bank balance in the black this month.
Arrogance Dies Hard
The anti-food fascists in the American medical community were put in their place – hard – this week.
The instrument of their comeuppance? An eight year, $415 million federal study of almost 49,000 women which concluded that low-fat diets have NO effect on reducing the incidence of heart disease, stroke and breast cancer.
You read that right: NO EFFECT.
Small Miracle
I was having a pretty good weekend – upbeat meeting with my best client yesterday; dinner, lots of laughs and a movie at a friend’s house last night; and finished a huge pile of laundry early enough to do a couple of productive transfer station runs with Peter today.
Then around 4 pm this afternoon, things went downhill, fast, and I started unravelling.
Deval Patrick
So, newcomer Deval Patrick whupped long-time pol Tom Reilly 2:1 in yesterday’s Democratic caucuses, thus guaranteeing him a spot on the September ballot as a candidate for governor.
Reilly, the current Attorney General, managed to destroy his previously impeccable reputation for integrity within the last couple of months through a couple of incredibly stupid moves. He even lost to Patrick in his home base, Watertown.
I wasn’t tagged, but this looked like fun.
The 43% or so of Americans who think The Man Who Would Be King is doing a good job: is ignorance bliss? Is stupid forever?
And why do TV networks, even their news divisions, pander to 18-34 year olds?
Since the networks gear their programming to adolescents and young adults, why do the manufacturers of Viagra and Cialis continue to pump their ads over the airways every 30 seconds or so?
Inquiring minds would like to know.
Not Exactly Out of the Ballpark
Watched the early morning recaps of the SOTU and the Democratic response. Reaction to both rehashes of same-old, same-old was tepid, at best.
Time for a new political party, or renewed interest in the Libertarians? I wish.