Deval Patrick

So, newcomer Deval Patrick whupped long-time pol Tom Reilly 2:1 in yesterday’s Democratic caucuses, thus guaranteeing him a spot on the September ballot as a candidate for governor.
Reilly, the current Attorney General, managed to destroy his previously impeccable reputation for integrity within the last couple of months through a couple of incredibly stupid moves. He even lost to Patrick in his home base, Watertown.

Evidently another Tom, Boston Mayor Menino, pulled his weight to deliver the delegates in Boston yesterday for the AG, as did Representative Marty Meehan in Lowell.
It wasn’t enough, though, to change the ratio statewide.
Seems like the heads of the Democratic party locally are as clueless as the ones at the national level.
The voters are looking for new standard-bearers, but they still drag out the old guard, warts and all.
For an explanation of this, please read my post from yesterday, “Dumb”.