There is an old expression that my tribe is fond of quoting: Ignorance is forgivable, stupid is forever.
Events in recent days have motivated a recasting: Ignorance is forgivable, insecurity is forever.
Escaping the Cape
This weekend, two families announced that they are leaving this neighborhood in the next couple of months, one headed to Texas and one to Maine. A third is seriously considering a job transfer to North Carolina.
The folks who are moving to Texas are good friends of Peter’s, and he wrote one of his best-ever blog entries today (yes, it’s even better than the bacon posts) about pulling up stakes when you’re established in a community, especially when you have young children, versus the often aching belief that you and they might have a better life somewhere else.
No Surprise There
Massachusetts has got to rank close to New Jersey in the criminal incompetence of its Department of Social Services. New Jersey, that is, before the advocacy group Children’s Rights hauled their sorry butts into court and won a couple of million dollar judgments on behalf of severely abused children who had been in their care and custody.
Net winnings from 10 scratch tickets purchased during my “lucky” oldest grandchild’s overnight visit. It would have been $34 if I’d stopped after the first 5. We split it, he promised to save his share, and I wonder if he will.
It Is Still Possible to Talk with a Customer Service Human
Paul M. English’s Get Human Database is receiving a lot of attention from people sick and tired of poorly designed voicemail systems (Dell gave up on theirs and use Live Chat instead, actually a huge improvement).
Check it out:
Office Dogs
My current client allows employees to bring their dogs to work.
For the most part, the dogs are a friendly and quiet bunch. My favorite is a chubby Corgi, an adorable little chap who greets his fellow office mates with lavish affection. I miss him when he’s not around.
A couple of the dogs are clearly higher maintenance, though, and perhaps not by coincidence, their owners are highly placed in the company. Perhaps for that reason, there isn’t a lot said about them under normal circumstances.
Almost Friday….
It’s been a long week, and I am ready – READY – for the weekend.
Only two more commutes to go.
“Rich” Kids, “Poor” Kids
Fascinating article in yesterday’s Cape Cod Times about how kids from upper middle class families outcompete kids from working class families over time.
36 Percent, 14 More Days
So, the latest Gallup poll reports that Bush’s approval rating has fallen to 36 percent.
This puts Bush in the company of his father, Nixon and Jimmy Carter for the worst approval ratings of a sitting President (29% in 6/92, 28% in 6/79 and 24% in 8/74, respectively).
A Very Good Birthday
I got to spend the afternoon at Peter’s, he picked up lunch for us.
Put in 3-4 hours of yardwork at #20 and #11 – James was an excellent helper – and did a Stop & Shop run with Peter (he paid for my groceries).
Emme made me a very pretty necklace, James made two fans and Bob dedicated his first story to me.