Prior to the elections, CNET graded Congress on technology votes covering such topics as the federal Can-Spam Act, taxing online purchases and making the ban on Net-access taxes permanent.
Considering that the election was supposedly about big ticket items like Iraq and Congressional corruption, it seems that arcana like Net neutrality wouldn’t have captured the public interest.
That’s probably true of most of the country, but not necessarily in the geographic regions with a large population of high tech workers.
Here’s a rundown of how the highest and lowest-rated Senators and Representatives who were up for reelection fared.
I wish that I liked Golden Retrievers. I’ve tried, but to tell you the truth, that breed and I just don’t get along.
It is an ugly and distasteful spectacle, watching Mitt Romney, who was born with so much, build his intended Presidential campaign on the backs of people who face discrimination for handicaps that are not their fault.
That’s beside the fact that Matt’s preoccupation – nay, obsession – with the private sex lives of monogomous, consenting adults makes my skin crawl.
Doing More (and More, and More)
Doing, i.e., filling every waking minute with a task, chore or activity, isn’t making me particularly happy.
Sure, it’s not a bad thing to respect time as any other non-renewable resource. The problem with doing, though, is that it’s like having: you can accumulate accomplishments in the same way as goods, but at the end of the day, all those goals achieved seem to vanish into thin air.
Why would that be so?
You Go, Gov-Elect
Governor-elect Deval Patrick has said he has “more homework to do” on legalizing casinos in Massachusetts.
Symbol of Security
This, from Glamour, so it must be so:
Police in your dream are a symbol of security in your life. Even if your dream involved trouble with them, it signifies that you will get unexpected help with a current problem.
Mild Winter, Guaranteed
Peter, Bonnie and I bought a snow blower last night, so a pleasant winter is almost a certainty.
Uphill Battles and the Mashpee Schools
Much to his credit, my son was quoted twice in the local papers this week about the shortcomings in the Mashpee Public Schools.
Both he and his wife have become grassroots activists for change and improvement, and since he’s blogged about this, I won’t recap the details.
History Lessons on Veterans Day 2006
For 3 years, 8 months and 7 days, the US fought in World War II: from December 7, 1941, the “Day That Will Live in Infamy” to August 14, 1945, VJ Day.
As of this date, November 11, 2006, the US has been engaged in the Iraq War for 3 years, 7 months and 22 days, the time lapsed since March 19, 2003.
The US was engaged in the Korean “Conflict” for 3 years and 1 month, from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953.
In short, the US has waged war in Iraq longer than in Korea and, as of a little after this upcoming Thanksgiving Day, longer than in World War II.
Liar, Liar
Bush admitted in his press conference yesterday that his fear-mongering about terrorists rejoicing if the Democrats won the midterms was just “campaigning”.
In an equally unlovely moment, Rush Limbaugh admitted not only on the radio but in the prime spot on his website that he’s just been “carrying water” for the Republican party, which has consistently betrayed his Conservative beliefs.
So, what’s the deal with this tidal wave of recent public fessin’ up, particularly by rich right-wing Protestants?
Must be a liberal media/Papist plot.