S2723, an Act addressing workplace bullying

Sent today to:


I humbly request that you amend S2723, an Act addressing workplace bullying, mobbing, and harassment without regard to protected class status while promoting healthy workplaces, as it currently sits before you in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.

To prevent and eliminate damaging behavior, we can not require targeted employees to prove the abuse is intentional, deliberate, extreme, or outrageous. The threshold for proof is too high/nearly impossible to reach. This point is backed by extensive research.

Targets should not have to wait for severe — or any — psychological or physical harm to have a legal claim.

As written, S2723 is regressive, as the Supreme Court has already decided that a hostile work environment is actionable and that psychological injury need not be proven


I humbly request the following for consideration.

Section 1:
Under “Abusive conduct,” at a minimum, delete “A single act normally shall not constitute abusive conduct, but an especially severe and egregious act may meet the standard.” Replace this section with “Abusive conduct is unwanted behavior that creates a hostile, or offensive working environment or otherwise unreasonably interferes with the targets’ work environment” to include most forms of bullying whether or not extreme or outrageous. Add “​​The behavior itself rather than intent of the offender shall be a factor in whether or not bullying or mobbing has occurred.”

Under “Abusive work environment,” delete “acting with intent to cause pain or distress to an employee, subjects that employee to abusive conduct that causes physical harm, psychological harm, or both;” and leave in “subjects that employee to abusive conduct.”
Eliminate definitions of physical and psychological harm.

Section 2:
(a) Change to “​​It shall be unlawful for any employee to engage in bullying of another same- or lower-ranking employee without regard to its subject matter or motivation.”
(b) Delete all text including and after “who has opposed any unlawful unemployment….”

Section 3:
Add “​​Bullying behavior need not be extreme or repetitive to be unlawful but simply be harmful to humanity, violation of basic human rights as to dignity, respect, equality, fairness at work, cause harm, or otherwise create a hostile work environment.”
(b) Eliminate.

Section 4:
(a) Change to “An employee may be individually and criminally liable for a violation of this Act.”

Section 5:
Replace with:
“1. An employer may establish an affirmative defense to limit damages by proving they took all necessary steps to prevent, detect, and remedy behaviors prohibited under this Act based on the totality of evidence presented, including:
They held a neutral, third-party fact-finding investigation of each claim of bullying beginning within 24 hours of employer knowledge of a potential violation under this Act and completion of such investigation within five days unless a clear justification for such extended time exists;
An effective remedial process that assures an immediate cessation and deterrence of any further bullying or retaliation;
Proof of just cause, including proof the employee was notified of violation of a reasonable work rule and the potential penalty for the rule violation, applied fairly and consistently to all employees, including a fair and impartial investigation with due process with proof of violation and a fair and reasonable punishment.”

Section 7 (first one):
Add “An employer may not hold an employee liable under this section. An employee can only hold an employer, same-, or higher-level employee liable under this section so this Act is not used to further damage an employee.”
(b) Eliminate.

Section 7 (second one):
(a) Change to “This chapter shall be enforced by a private right of action or by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD). If a claimant files a complaint with MCAD, the statute of limitations for filing a private cause of action is tolled.”
(b) Change one year to three years (as victims often do not feel well enough to sue until they’ve had reasonable time to heal from the trauma of the abuse).

Workers have an inherent right to all of our basic human rights. Equality. Dignity. Respect. Fair Process. This bill will provide much-needed incentive for employers to prevent, detect, remedy, and eliminate workplace bullying and mobbing before targets incur significant harm if amended.

Thank you.

What Did I Do Today?

It was 95 degrees, according to one of our neighbors.

I watered tomatoes and almost ruined the biggest one, thinking the root was milkweed: they look alike.

Made a salad and dressing.

Wrote a letter to the editor.

Corresponded with a couple of people. Chatted with another person.

Made the bed. Fed Lizzie, not entirely successfully.

South Cape Beach Articles




Binge, FOIA, Open Meeting Law

We binged on “The Terminal List” yesterday and it sounds like some of the people we know had a low-key day as well.

It’s been a draining week with FOIA requests to the Town and Open Meeting Law violation complaints to the Town and this morning, to the State.

Had a long (43 minutes) conversation on the phone about the Affordable Housing Committee nomination fail with John Cotton on the 15th.

I trimmed the front bushes this afternoon, cut down about 9-12 inches of the one under Ron’s window (Andromeda?) and made a pseudo-chef salad with veg “turkey”.

Also made myself a Sunday brunch Bloody Mary.

Defies Explanation or Excuse

I am astounded that the Select Board voted against appointing Arden Russell Cadrin to the Affordable Housing Committee.

Her professional background is incomparable.  Further, the Committee is already overloaded with real estate industry representatives.

This decision is so outrageous that it invites – no, demands – inquiry into the possibility of bad faith dealing on the part of the Affordable Housing Committee, which failed to provide complete information to the public on their recommendation and the reasons for it.

How can we work with the Select Board to bring this matter back to their attention for a review and re-vote?

Rug, Pruning, Yellow Flower Season

Yesterday I unwrapped and put the rug back in my “office”. Ron helped with one nasty drawer of his cassette tapes that was ridiculously heavy, so much so that he had to repair it.

Otherwise, I was able to move and replace the rest of the furniture while he was at his medical appointment. Surprise, surprise.

Divided and replanted the verbena and planted the new bacopa in the right-hand window box.

Did some pruning this morning with the clippers we found on the road at the Commons, and they worked very well. Pruned the Potentilla and the rose bush next to the deck.

This is definitely yellow flower season: St. John’s Wort and Potentilla in the back, but mostly foxglove, evening primrose and coreopsis in the front.

Daylilies started in earnest over the weekend of the Fourth.

Applied for a local job yesterday, haha.

Discovered Samara Joy on Facebook. Feels like finding the proverbial pony.

Fourth of July

We had a quiet holiday weekend. Neighbors across the street had a ton of visitors but they were reasonably considerate.

I did a lot yesterday: stripped the bed, hung out laundry, put everything back together. Went food shopping, chatted with the Chair of our Select Board, a generous fellow who’s been entertaining a sizeable crowd at his house this past week.

Got a good deal on chicken parts, cooked and ground food for Liz. Picked up a Bacopa at Mahoney’s for the window box. Made a big salad with our lettuce. First tomatoes. Beans have flowers. Watched “Browning Version” and a couple of episodes of “Resurrection”.