
Rain started a bit after 5 am. I think Robert and his friend reached Mashpee before that.

Supposed to rain all day, which is very good.

Yesterday I transplanted three astilbe from the hydrangea garden. Even though they were so crowded that you couldn’t see them, they were in great shape, beautiful. Also did some weeding.

Did laundry, two loads. I hung out the dark wash. It was hot out but so humid that we ended up using the dryer. Ron did the transfer station run.

Lizzie trumped three times in the house. Ron is worn out with it and wrote to her old owners to see if they are in a position to take her back.

I managed to burn one of the pots making rice so dragged out the steamer this morning. Worked beautifully.

Vehicles, ADU

A gent from Backyard ADUs stopped by today for an initial consult. This was serendipitous, thought we were just doing a phone call. I’m blown away by their services – just what we need. They plan to send us a proposal in about two weeks.

We talked about going to Ed’s on Fourth of July but on second thought, we can’t leave Lizzie for that long so will stay put.

I brought both vehicles to Cormier’s – mine yesterday, Ron’s today – and both passed inspection.

Cleaned up the tarp in the back yard and the poor wheel barrow, which I’d left out in the rain.

Another tree company came by but their bid is outrageous.

Ron is beside himself over the state of the country.

Birthday Brunch

Hot and humid.

Met Cindy and Cathy at the Quarterdeck for a very good meal.

Picked up vegetables at the Farm and tomato plants at Soares. Stuck the tomatoes in the ground before nightfall.

Ron is fussing with the weather station. Wind speed not recording.

Good checkup today with the cardiology practice, but my blood test results were awful. I know what to do.

Stopped at BJ’s on the way; mobbed at the checkouts, but we were moved through very efficiently.

Falmouth Pro-Choice Rally

At yesterday’s rally, there was one moment that brought home to me the insidious power of the Catholic church over the United States, even supposedly free-thinking Falmouth.

There was not even a hint of applause when the Episcopal minister made quiet reference to other voices in the faith community.

Catholics represent only 23% of the population, yet 6 of the 9 Supreme Court justices are Catholic. As you know, 5 of those voted to overturn Roe. As one of the signs declared yesterday “Stop the Theocracy”.

Roe; Roses; Blood Test

Having watched the two January 6 Committee hearings gavel-to-gavel this week, I missed a lot of outside time but made up for it yesterday.

Dug up the two smaller rose bushes.

First thing I made it to CLab for a blood test.

What to say about the death of Roe: welcome to the 19th century.

Good Deal for Lizzie; Good Checkup

On the way to drop Tony off at Mashpee Auto, I mentioned a trip to Stop & Shop. He asked which one, (South) Sandwich or Mashpee.

Turns out, Sandwich was a great suggestion: scored a manager’s special on chicken for the Fussy Eater who’s been refusing expensive canned food.

Steamed chicken thighs at a dollar and change a pound with rice and vegetables is nice enough for us, if we were still meat eaters, and seem to taste better than the $6 a day canned stuff that she no longer wants.

I’m starting to gather prices for James’ ADU prep. Met with a tree removal person yesterday. Nice fellow and he called today to follow up. Got some info on engineering: surprise, surprise.

Received the promised gift certificate to Lowe’s from HSC earlier this week.

Had a great checkup yesterday at Mashpee Dental. Ron has a $55+ credit, so good news for him, too.

Lunch with James; Good News for Ron

I made two salads: green and potato, hung out the wash and got lunch ready for James’ visit. Wasn’t done with cleanup until around 3:30. Put on the fresh sheets.

Fine visit, lots of conversation.

Applied for a remote job at a company in Plymouth, hardeeharhar.

Sent out requests today for septic work.

Good financial news for Ron: he was going to pay a bill from last August for lab work, in person. We’ve been fighting this for weeks, calls and even visits to the doctor’s office. He’s been assured multiple times that it will be rebilled under the correct service code.

Incredibly, it worked: I had a feeling that we should check his balance first and turns out, he owes them nothing. Looks like Medicare covered it in full.

Later on, Tony asked for a ride home from an auto repair shop. Ron volunteered but didn’t know which shop or where it was. An hour later, he caught up with Tony. Such is the world of Ron.

Meanwhile, I watched Day 4 of the Select Committee Hearings on January 6.

Nice invite from Betsy to visit. I’d love to see them, but their lifestyle is too much for me: too many people for too many hours. She invited Lizzie, too, but Doggo deposited trumps in the house two days in a row, and neither of us want that to happen in someone else’s home.


Ron sawed off a huge branch from the pine tree that was overshadowing the Redbud.

He did it smart, hacking chunks at a time. As a result, there was little damage to the plants underneath.

He had to stop when it started raining and there were warnings of a thunderstorm. Turned out not to be so, but a hazardous task would have been even worse on a wet ladder.

So, now we have a pile of wood to haul to the transfer station. We were able to stuff it all into the truck.

I kept my promise to clean up the kitchen this morning and glad he left it. It’s easier done after a decent night’s sleep.

Washed the truck.

Lizzie trumped last night; Ron washed her blanket. Poor guy, no rest for the weary!