Collins Lowers the Boom

Rodney Collins delivered an epic presentation this past Tuesday to the Affordable Housing Committee. It’s a shame that it’s not on video.

Ron returned redeemables – almost 100 – and did the transfer station run yesterday.

We requested a copy of the title to his van from the RMV. It’s to be towed today to a salvage yard.

I signed off an electronic document confirming the mileage.

Meanwhile, Ron inadvertently wrote a check on his old, closed account. He couldn’t find his new checks, but I located them this morning, thus saving him the cost of replacement. He reimbursed me for the bad check fee.

I am driving Peter to an endodontist this morning.

Select Board; Harvested Rhubarb; Lizzie Food

The Select Board meeting last night was epic. In a reversal of their July 25 reorg, the Board unanimously elected David Weeden Chair.

John Cotton was terrific. He made the nomination and a sincere apology for the “optics”. Great example of effective leadership.

Harvested rhubarb yesterday for the first time this year. Ron cleaned and chopped it up for sauce.

Made more Lizzie food this morning. She woke me up last night around 3 am but settled down after eating some kibble. I was able to get back to sleep.

Spoke to GEICO this morning. The van is totaled and they’ve offered cash. Ron seems pleased. We need to find the title, though.

More Cooking

Made a huge pot of Lizzie food today with giblets picked up yesterday at Stop & Shop thanks to a heads-up lady in the meat department.

Baked two zucchini casseroles and both came out quite well, although peeling the zukes would have been a good idea. The zukes, tomatoes and basil were from our gardens.

Ron dropped off his busted hearing aid at UPS. It’s headed for Beltone in Dennis.

Grill, Air Fryer, Weeding, Transponder

Tried to grill veg burgers last night but the tank seemed to be empty.

Was able to air fry a batch of red potatoes; came out great.

Heard from the plumbers about our rebate. They are contacting the manufacturer.

Pulled a pile of crab grass from the veg gardens.

We got a small amount of rain last night.

Checking out property in Northwestern Mass. Getting more expensive, unfortunately.

Ron got a “little boy’s” haircut and is much more comfortable.

He cleaned out his van as well, including the transfer station sticker and the E-ZPass transponder.


Took most of yesterday afternoon, but I caught up with over two months of personal checking account records that I’d neglected.

It’s another hot one and probably will continue to be so for two more weeks.

Nice article in the paper about my online petition in support of Tom Fudala.

In fact, the reporter did a great job with several stories about Town government.

Received an email from the AG’s office. They have not yet completed their deliberations on our Open Meeting Law complaint.

Visit Down Cape, Hyannis Counter-Demo

After dropping off the recycling at the transfer station, I kept driving to Chatham to visit Carol.

Picked up cheese and other cocktail hour items and wine on the way back.

Stopped at the Brewster ARL to see if they could share any more info on Teddie. Got a compassionate, helpful call from their manager a little later. She explained that Teddie needed to be there for a full 10 days under quarantine but that the decision to euthanize him was based on Ron’s injuries and they could not risk rehoming him.

Meanwhile our Lizzie had a tough day, causing us to consider the same for her. She defecated multiple times, her stomach was growling the whole day and yet she refused to eat.

Fortunately, by the time I got back to the house, things seemed to improve. “May it continue.”

I attended a counter-protest at Bread and Roses bookstore/cafe in Hyannis. Paul Rifkin posted a beautiful photo record of the event. I bought Ron a t-shirt to commemorate.

Meanwhile, a vile member of the community here has filed a complaint against me and several other people following last Saturday’s LCP meeting.

I told Ron that I’d welcome jail as an opportunity to get away from him and the dog. Maybe I could learn to crochet.

Select Board, Lilies, Washed Truck and Lizzie, Fair Is Done

I hope we are finished with the heat wave; it pretty much flattened me.

The Fair is over! Handed off our tickets on Sunday to a working person, a tree climber. He said his daughter was looking forward to it.

I did very little over the weekend beside set up an online petition to reappoint Tom and attend an LCP meeting.

Made food for Lizzie and of course, she doesn’t want to eat it.

Today I washed the truck. It had black gunk on the top. Feels good to have it cleaner.

Attended the Select Board meeting last night. Kind of sad without Andrew, but he was smart to bail.

Saw a hummer the other morning.

Lilies and Rose of Sharon have started. Pink phlox is very pretty.

Did a couple of laundries the past two days.

Washed Lizzie’s eyes and very soiled rear end this afternoon. She lied down on the deck, which made it much easier. Poor dog!

Remembered that the plumbers owe us money for the part under warranty.

Attended a joint meeting of the EDIC and Planning Board. Time very well spent, good meeting. Discussion centered around development of underused commercial areas for workforce housing and a review of title problems with the town-owned Commercial Street property.

Good, No, Great Answer

Next time try not using the word adoption. Just say you were abandoned and raised by strangers and you had no idea until X amount of years ago what that did to your mind and you are working on it.

Once you use the word adoption, unicorns, rainbows, and dancing fairies appear. It’s a magic word..

It’s Not My Fault

Ron got loaded this afternoon and finally admitted that he’s not happy, that our marriage is in shambles, that he loved Melody, that she was “close to the top” of people he’s loved and that none of this is my fault.

Thank goodness, thank goodness, thank goodness.

I asked him to think about his next move and said we would revisit this on Monday.

I have been tearing myself up over this for years, knowing all this to be true and hoping he would admit it. And he has. Finally.

J6 Hearing, Petition, Lizzie Food

I shucked corn, watched last night’s J6 hearing and made food for Lizzie.

I’m just as happy to be lower middle class during summer. No obligation to go anywhere or spend money on anything but fixed expenses and food.

We had frozen pizza last night which I burnt on the Weber.

I set up an online petition to reinstate Tom Fudala to the Sewer Commission.

Very pleased that the Envision group has done a paper petition which they are planning to offer at tomorrow’s LCP meeting. Now I don’t have to do one!