My young son asks me

My young son asks me… by Bertolt Brecht

My young son asks me: Must I learn mathematics?
What is the use, I feel like saying. That two pieces
Of bread are more than one’s about all you’ll end up with.
My young son asks me: Must I learn French?
What is the use, I feel like saying. This State’s collapsing.
And if you just rub your belly with your hand and
Groan, you’ll be understood with little trouble.
My young son asks me: Must I learn history?
What is the use, I feel like saying. Learn to stick
Your head in the earth, and maybe you’ll still survive.

Yes, learn mathematics, I tell him.
Learn your French, learn your history!

Cellar Door

We both fell asleep early last night, around quarter of nine.

Could have been because we didn’t get outside at all, it was raining all day.

I potted all but one flat today.

Took pictures of the attic. Gathered up the required documents and photos and sent them off to the ZAI Trust.

Ron is back from dropping off clothing at the tailor shop in North Adams.

Joe brought his son with him today and they were able to finish the cement work, install a new jamb and reattach the cellar door to its old hinges. It is very secure.

Looks like Dominion caved. Too bad.

Mulch, Frig

Mulched the area between the house and the driveway yesterday. We did more raking in the front.

Ron moved all the concrete blocks to the pile behind the left side fence.

I picked up two more pansy flats and got us a membership at Wild Oats.

Ron and I stuffed steel wool into the bulkhead chinks.

I’d spent an hour or more picking up blow-down branches from two sections of the yard and put them in one of the wheel barrows so we could offload them onto the truck.

Ron decided he didn’t want the wheel barrow to get wet so he dumped everything out. I exploded at this disregard for my work and my time. Emptied and grabbed a big cardboard box and stuffed it with about half of the load and put the rest in the wheel barrow. Found room in one of the sheds for both.

Joe was here briefly this morning to work on the foundation wall.

Some red something or other had spilled in the frig. I ended up taking it apart to clean and found a pile of “stuff” on the bottom. Ron helped with the big glass cover over the produce bins.

Admiration for our next door neighbors who have filled their back yard with active play equipment for their boys, including a full-sized basketball net and a trampoline.


Only a day after traveling to Pownal, we were astounded at the new growth on trees. It was like the mountains had exploded in new green.

We picked up mulch and pansies at Home Depot. Stuffed it all in the Corolla! A kind salesman at Coggins showed me how to use the “Accessory” setting. This was after I mistakenly walked into the nearby Subaru dealership, announcing how much I love my Toyota…

We stopped at Walmart for vitamins and groceries, then to Dwyer’s in Pownal.

I did more raking.

Fight with Ron about the bulkhead. Somebody shoot me and call it a mercy killing.

Yardwork, Another DIY Disaster

Joe’s been working on the bulkhead (hatch) door. I asked him to please replace the left jamb, only to find that the cement blocks attached to it were not mortared and there was a huge hole at the bottom.

Had visits from Joe’s mentor and then his boss. His mentor is great, I suggested he contact Bruce about our two projects. He thinks I should have architectural drawings for the ceiling. I’m inclined to agree with Joe that a vaulted ceiling in the “office” would be a good move. Maybe the other bedroom as well. Made an appointment with Bruce to check it out.

Joe and I stopped at rkMiles for supplies for the hatch door and were on our way to the bank when Ron called, shouting and screaming for directions to the pizza lunch. Ron acted like a spoiled toddler for the rest of the day, making life miserable for everyone.

Asked Joe’s boss for an estimate on replacing the concrete blocks to the cellar. He recommended a wooden stairway, about half the cost.

I bagged the last pile of downed branches while Ron worked on the side of the yard. More ordering around and complaining. I am beyond my last nerve.

We went to Stewart’s for ice cream.

Every Donut Has to Have a Hole

Received revised plans from the architect and got the attention of another builder.

Expecting a visit today from Joe C. and the licensed contractor he works with.

We visited the new donut shop. Ron introduced himself as the Pope of the Donutarian religion and reveled in the attention he received. The donuts are fabulous: yeast, not cake.

Every donut has to have a hole.

Got an estimate that is $2,000 less than our current provider offered for replacing the oil tank.

Ron worked some more on raking and cleanup. Daffs!

Got the post-vermiculite removal inspection report this morning. Should clear the way for approval of insulation installation following mold remediation. Received an estimate for mold remediation yesterday from a local company with a solid reputation.

Good checkup with new eye doc Dr. Ogiste (OJEEST). Ron made an appointment for himself.

Did a little database work for MRS, new completion code. Fortunately, no programming, just UI.

Greylock is a Heat Loan lender.

Snotty people encountered this week: realtor, Mirabito rep. Stopped automatic oil fills for the summer to keep the tank from getting heavier before being replaced.

And a Leap Back

Mold remediation company representative was here and gave us a ridiculous estimate: 600% higher than the estimate from the first company to visit and over 500% higher than the second estimate we received.

Meanwhile, some jerk on “NextDoor” decided to butt her or his nose into my business by stirring up trouble with a vendor. Thought I left that kind of pettiness behind in Marshfield.

I placed distress calls to Ryan and Zan. Need a quote on the ceiling replacement.

Calling other oil companies for estimates on the tank removal. At least one thinks they can beat the quote we have.

Vinny called, he’ll be here tomorrow to pick up his check. Hope to have his receipt tomorrow afternoon.

Steps Forward

Peter the electrician was here to disconnect a bad outlet at the bottom of the deck stairs and rewire a good one on the deck itself. A third outdoor outlet, at the flagpole, has power but is wired wrong.

He also installed a GFI outlet in the downstairs bathroom and a new backdoor light. The front light is installed but he’ll need access to the attic to get power to it, and right now the attic is sealed off pending mold removal.

Yesterday we got a spring season’s worth of yard work done by Kelley Brothers Tree Service. In the back yard, they cut up and removed a huge blow-down and chipped a couple of big piles of wood left from the last owner as well as the three half-dead bushes we’d dug up.

They also removed four sorry-looking bushes in front and by the driveway: what a difference!

Ron and I raked and bagged leaves in the top left corner of the yard. Found a small pile of junk. Speaking of which, we have invasive weeds growing everywhere. Might be garlic mustard. Daffodils are taking their time.

I cooked on the Weber for the first time this year and on this spot, last night and today for lunch. A treat to be sure.

This morning Ron and I attended a town meeting-style session with our state legislators. We both liked them very much.

Check arrived for the vermiculite removal company!

Ron did a serious transfer station run today.

Heard from Morabito yesterday, they squared away my account. Mailed them a check. Cost of a new oil tank is outrageous. Might be worth reconsidering.

My legs have been bothering me today, so didn’t do yardwork. Hope to finish raking tomorrow.

Eye, Thumb

I poked myself in the right eye yesterday. Vision seems to be okay.

Ron had an infected thumb and was able to get an appointment and start on antibiotics. It’s better today.

Salesman from Mirabito was here to price out an oil tank and told me I’d need to have a cement pad poured.

Asked the architect for new drawings for the bedroom rehab.

Ron was frantic the other day looking for his keys, demanded that I give him mine to make copies NOW. Turns out the keys were in his fanny pack but I didn’t discover them until he’d left for Aubuchon.

Hope to see the electrician on Tuesday. We have a couple of outdoor lights to be installed. There are other things to do, if he has time and interest.

Sent Edible Arrangements to the grands for Easter. Heard that the fam in Mashpee enjoyed theirs!

We dug up three or was it four dead bushes from the back. A tree removal company representative came by and we booked an appointment to remove the storm blowdowns next week.

I mailed birthday cards and gifts to Devyn and Mac. This’ll be the last year, they are getting to the age that hearing from people they never see must strike them as odd.

Ridiculous and Sublime

Yesterday the gent from GEM came by to check out the mold in the attic.

Ryan and crew were here today to finish up the sunroom overhang, which looks great. Now the door to the sunroom looks like Dogpatch.

I stopped in to Williams College for a Math Dept colloquium but was a day early. Caught the tail end of a Real Analysis class. The professor gave me a warm welcome.

Today I ordered a book from my professor friend Tom that looked like exactly what I need to refresh my old math brain.

I do love math.

Also started watching the Khan Academy online Multivariable Calculus class.

Called Mirabito again about setting up an MVP service contract and replacing our oil tank. They are running specials on both.

Applied for a job at Williams College.