Eye, Thumb

I poked myself in the right eye yesterday. Vision seems to be okay.

Ron had an infected thumb and was able to get an appointment and start on antibiotics. It’s better today.

Salesman from Mirabito was here to price out an oil tank and told me I’d need to have a cement pad poured.

Asked the architect for new drawings for the bedroom rehab.

Ron was frantic the other day looking for his keys, demanded that I give him mine to make copies NOW. Turns out the keys were in his fanny pack but I didn’t discover them until he’d left for Aubuchon.

Hope to see the electrician on Tuesday. We have a couple of outdoor lights to be installed. There are other things to do, if he has time and interest.

Sent Edible Arrangements to the grands for Easter. Heard that the fam in Mashpee enjoyed theirs!

We dug up three or was it four dead bushes from the back. A tree removal company representative came by and we booked an appointment to remove the storm blowdowns next week.

I mailed birthday cards and gifts to Devyn and Mac. This’ll be the last year, they are getting to the age that hearing from people they never see must strike them as odd.