Yardwork, Another DIY Disaster

Joe’s been working on the bulkhead (hatch) door. I asked him to please replace the left jamb, only to find that the cement blocks attached to it were not mortared and there was a huge hole at the bottom.

Had visits from Joe’s mentor and then his boss. His mentor is great, I suggested he contact Bruce about our two projects. He thinks I should have architectural drawings for the ceiling. I’m inclined to agree with Joe that a vaulted ceiling in the “office” would be a good move. Maybe the other bedroom as well. Made an appointment with Bruce to check it out.

Joe and I stopped at rkMiles for supplies for the hatch door and were on our way to the bank when Ron called, shouting and screaming for directions to the pizza lunch. Ron acted like a spoiled toddler for the rest of the day, making life miserable for everyone.

Asked Joe’s boss for an estimate on replacing the concrete blocks to the cellar. He recommended a wooden stairway, about half the cost.

I bagged the last pile of downed branches while Ron worked on the side of the yard. More ordering around and complaining. I am beyond my last nerve.

We went to Stewart’s for ice cream.