Typical Sunday

The most interesting part of today was the end of a week-long opportunity to get a $5.99 large 2-topping pizza from Domino’s.  Ron did the honors.

Otherwise, it was a typical Sunday:  we read the Times, had breakfast and lunch (salad and leftover garlic bread), did the transfer station run, dropped off a lemonade to Robert at iCape, had supper and watched TV.

Ron says we are “doing just fine”, and I guess he’s right.

Thoughts, Prayers, Cash: from the New York Times


Most Americans support stronger gun laws — laws that would reduce deaths. But Republicans in Congress stand in the way. They fear alienating their primary voters and the National Rifle Association.

Below are the top 10 career recipients of N.R.A. funding – through donations or spending to benefit the candidate – among both current House and Senate members, along with their statements about the Las Vegas massacre. These representatives have a lot to say about it. All the while, they refuse to do anything to avoid the next massacre.

John McCain

“Cindy & I are praying for the victims of the terrible #LasVegasShooting & their families.”

from the N.R.A.

Richard Burr

“My heart is with the people of Las Vegas and their first responders today. This morning’s tragic violence has absolutely no place here in America.”

from the N.R.A.

Roy Blunt

“Saddened by the tragic loss of life in #LasVegas. My thoughts are with all of the families affected by this horrific attack.”

from the N.R.A.

Thom Tillis

“Susan and I send our deepest condolences and prayers to the families of the victims of this horrific and senseless tragedy in Las Vegas.”

from the N.R.A.

Cory Gardner

“My family and I are praying for the families of those injured and killed in Las Vegas last night.”

from the N.R.A.

Marco Rubio

“I’m praying for all the victims, their families, and our first responders in the #LasVegas #MandalayBay shooting.”

from the N.R.A.

Joni Ernst

“My prayers are with all of the victims in Las Vegas, and their loved ones affected by this senseless act of violence.”

from the N.R.A.

Rob Portman

“Jane & I mourn the loss of innocent lives in this horrific attack in Las Vegas last night. We are praying for those taken from us, their families & all those injured in this attack.”

from the N.R.A.

Todd Young

“We must offer our full support to the victims and their families as our nation mourns.”

from the N.R.A.

Bill Cassidy

“Following closely the horrendous act of violence in Las Vegas. Our prayers are with those who were injured, killed and their families.”

from the N.R.A.

French Hill

“Martha and I are praying for the families and victims of this senseless act of evil. […] We must continue to work together to stop this kind of terror.”

from the N.R.A.

Ken Buck

“I’m praying for all of those impacted by the evil events in Las Vegas last night. Our country must stand together in support of the families of the victims and the community.”

from the N.R.A.

David Young

“My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families and friends of the horrific and evil tragedy in Las Vegas.”

from the N.R.A.

Mike Simpson

“Though no words can heal our hurt, and no explanation will ever feel sufficient, I pray that all involved may find comfort as we process this devastating tragedy.”

from the N.R.A.

Greg Gianforte

No statement released.

from the N.R.A.

Don Young

“Anne and I are praying for all those involved or impacted by this heinous act of violence.”

from the N.R.A.

Lloyd Smucker

“Horrific act of violence in Las Vegas. Cindy and I pray for the victims, their families, and the first responders.”

from the N.R.A.

Bruce Poliquin

“My thoughts are with all those effected in the horrifying attacks in Las Vegas. The nation is with you.”

from the N.R.A.

Pete Sessions

“My deepest sympathies are with all who were harmed by this horrific tragedy.”

from the N.R.A.

Barbara Comstock

“I am heartbroken by the mass murder that took place last night in Las Vegas and I am praying for the victims, families, and first responders.”

from the N.R.A.

All of these representatives are Republican. The highest ranked Democrat in the House is Sanford Bishop, who ranks 41st in career donations from the N.R.A. Among the top 100 House recipients, 95 are Republican. In the Senate, the top two Democrats are Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Patrick Leahy of Vermont, who rank 52nd and 53rd — behind every Republican but Dan Sullivan of Alaska.

Finally, why are our numbers different from those in Bret Stephens’s column on the Second Amendment? Because ours include money the N.R.A. spends on behalf of candidates, in addition to money it gives directly to candidates.

Note: John McCain received the bulk of his donations as the 2008 Republican presidential nominee. For all Congress members, total includes both direct campaign contributions as well as outside money spent on behalf of candidates from the N.R.A.’s Political Action Committees and directly from the N.R.A.’s 501(c)(4) social welfare arm, which does not have to disclose its donors to the public. Figures also subtract independent expenditures for and against opponents if the candidate did not compete in a general election. Dollar figures are career totals back to 1989.

Source: Center for Responsive Politics
Correction: Oct. 4, 2017

An earlier version of this graphic misidentified the home state of Representative Don Young. He is from Alaska, not Arkansas. It also included incorrect data from the Center for Responsive Politics, which they have since corrected. The total amount from the N.R.A. that benefited Senator Richard Burr was $6.99 million, not $5.90 million.

The New York Times: Find breaking news, multimedia, reviews & opinion on Washington, business, sports, movies, travel, books, jobs, education, real estate, cars & more at nytimes.com.


Did two standouts today, one with Move to Remove and the other with the Coyote Hunt protesters.

Met up with Ron afterwards at Edgewater.  I pretty much wrecked the fence on the right of the house backing the truck into the yard so we could load the detritus from the grass cleanup.

We got to the transfer station just in time to unload everything.

Meeting the fence people there at noon on Tuesday to see what they can do for us.

Stopped at the Farmers Market, saw Jeny and Emma.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and avocado and garlic bread for supper.

Ron’s New Haircut

I swooped into Salon 151 yesterday to pay Janine for her gorgeous photo/fundraiser.  She cut Ron’s hair today.

My letter to the Editor praising the Town Manager and Town Treasurer and knocking the inept School Department was published in today’s Enterprise.

Brought magazines to Peter and did a small grocery shop.  Smoothies and leftovers for supper.

Valentine’s Day; Ignition Coil; Edgewater Grasses; Snow Ahead?

Snow is predicted for this weekend, so we cut back the ornamental grasses at Edgewater.

That accounts for a major part of Spring cleanup in that yard, so glad to have it out of the way.

The truck was fixed at Cormier’s, new ignition coil as expected.  Didn’t charge for the scan because it matched the FIXD!

Ron donated blood yesterday at Bayada in Falmouth.

We did more than usual for Valentine’s Day. A new assisted living facility in town hosted a chocolate and smooth jazz hour at the Senior Center. We enjoyed both; salad for lunch and supper.

Stir fry and rice tonight.

Cooked and Little Else

Another non-productive day.

Made cinnamon French toast for breakfast and veggie burgers for lunch. Burgers (mushrooms and refried beans) weren’t very good, won’t do this again. Pizza for supper, feels like lead. Another day of insatiable hunger.

Called PETA and got in touch with the Enterprise and with the Mashpee Friends on behalf of the coyote hunt protesters. PETA was familiar with the goings-on, said they’d send info to their response team. Enterprise is planning to run a story.

Sent a letter to the editor of the Enterprise praising Mr. Collins. Posted on FB, too; good response.

Vegetable Soup, Town Hall

I dropped off a thank you card to Judy in the Town Clerk’s office for her help with our passport applications and changed my voter registration to Republican.

Dropped off some brochures and flyers from the Conservation Office to Jeff, the outdoor adventure coordinator, at LL Bean.

Heavy vegetable soup with tortellini and salad for lunch. Ron cleaned up and is working on supper, chickpeas and broccoli.

Been raining, heavy at times. Not a good day for outdoor work.

Made appointments for us at OCB in Wareham.

Ron’s Happy Day; My Happy Day (Taxes Done)

Yesterday, Ron got the folding extension ladder he’s been wanting, on sale at Harbor Freight, and a ladder stabilizer at Home Depot.

I worked on tax inputs all day and finished this morning.

Like a distracted fool, I closed the BofA account that Peter was using to deposit rent without saving off the statements. A nice person at the Falmouth branch ran them off for me today.

I worked hard last year and made decent coin, but aside from paying off credit cards, taxes and propping up Edgewater, have not a good idea of where the money went.

In any event, we are back from a meeting with our tax preparer and we are unscathed for yet another year. Today is National Yogurt Day, and our local shop is doing a 2 for 1, so we stopped to celebrate on the way home.