Meeting Sandy

Our cousin from Oz was in town, and on Tuesday, Alpha and I took the train to South Station to spend a couple of hours with her between appointments.

She’s quite a gal: accomplished, charming, intelligent, gracious and outgoing.

It was startling to meet someone who considers us “family” and will take a while to process.

I screwed up Plan A by making us miss the train from Middleboro by seconds, so Alpha tracked down (pun intended) the next inbound from 128.

Worked out okay; we stopped at IKEA in Stoughton on the way back to the Cape.

Hung a set of curtains in the bedroom yesterday and made a casserole today.

Snowed this morning, melted quickly.


Yesterday’s winds knocked over the shed.  It missed the van by less than two feet.

A kind soul, John of Emerald Landscape (857) 345-0070, dropped by to help Ron upright the shed. He didn’t ask to be paid, unlike another person who quoted $125.

Rain; Interviews

3-4 inches are predicted.

Dug up grass from the front garden yesterday.

Helped Jim with some MRS issues affecting SSL and online payments.

Ron’s back is bothering him this morning.  Too much driving: 4 hours on Wednesday and errands yesterday in Falmouth and Hyannis.

Enjoyed meeting the people in South Kingston.

Peter has an interview next Wednesday.  He met with the third fence company yesterday.  We are waiting for their proposal.

College Acceptance; Donated Blood

James was accepted at Bridgewater!

Found a couple of packages of frozen greens so was able to make a quiche yesterday.  Used up some generic baking mix for a pear dessert.

Emma dropped off bread, chenglish muffins and eggs.

We got our errands done this morning: got bread at the senior center, drove Robert to work, transfer station, filled up the truck.

I did some leaf pickup from the gardens.  Chatted with Tony.  Ron helped me load up the truck, then dropped me off at the CCHC blood donation event at CtheK.  He gave blood a couple weeks ago. A charming older man thanked us as we left the Parish Hall.

Ron brought the leaves to the transfer station and drove us home. 

Carrot Cake; Family Names

Alpha helped me pick out frames for the family histories, and we hung them up today.

The 4-compartment organizer for the truck arrived today.  Once I loaded it up, I could see the floor for the first time in months.  Decided to vacuum and do a little dashboard cleaning, then vacuumed Ron’s van, just beating the rain.

We did a run to Hyannis for a third frame and solar lights.  Picked up hanging wire with 3 minutes to spare at Botello.

Found a big bag of carrots in the downstairs frig.  Ron washed, peeled and shredded a bunch for carrot cake, salads and snacks.

Vegan (no eggs, butter or milk) carrot cake with no oil and no sugar.  Not bad.

Code Test; Filter; Fence

Completed a code test for the folks in Kingston.

Ron replaced the water filter.

Got the first proposal to replace the Edgewater fence and lined up an appointment for the second.  Waiting to schedule a third.

Drove Alpha to YAG.  Disappointing falafel and indifferent staff at VisionWorks.  Frame I bought at AC Moore won’t work.  Zero for three.  Bought a few pieces of Tempeh bacon from Whole Foods; BLTs tomorrow.

Spinach/tofu lasagna tonight and cheese/avocado/tomato sandwiches for lunch.

Calls; 50 Degrees

Made a slew of calls today that I’ve been putting off: GoDaddy about product renewals, Sunnova about our solar production and OCB to cancel our appointments.

Answered an email about a RI job and another about Move To Remove.

Ordered an indoor watering can from Amazon.

Buffed out a number of scratches from my poor truck.