Making Progress

We’ve more or less figured out what we want to keep and what we can donate, recycle or throw out.

We’ve also pretty much separated the cellar contents into functional areas, e.g., Ron’s shop, new room and laundry/storage.

We cleaned up and vacuumed the area under the stairs. It’s now usable space. I’m thrilled to have found some flooring.

We’ll set up Ron’s antique bed in the new room along with a chest of drawers, the rocker, a lamp/end table and a “bar” area.

Ron is already using the new closet for paper goods.  Smart.

Ron wants to keep the insulation, so we put it in the attic along with Christmas wrapping paper.

We took apart the futon and loaded the parts on the truck along with sliding doors and window screens.  Will bring this to the transfer station tomorrow.  Bourne won’t be taking household goods until July at the earliest.

Really cooled off this afternoon.  I’m happy with the work we’ve done today and earlier in the week.

More Organization

I managed to clear Ron’s portable tablesaw and both ladders.

We both made dump runs and I brought a few more items to St. Vincent dePaul.  Ron did a shop at Shaw’s and Walmart.

Em and I visited the wildflower garden at Green Briar.  They got some nice shots.

Found Ron’s Phone

Sorted through more basement recycling, trash and donations. In the process, found Ron’s iPhone in an otherwise empty Trader Joe’s bag. We’d looked everywhere else for it, at least twice.

Put as many of Ron’s tools as I could find on his shelves so he can at least see what he has.

Sean built a cool spot for the buffalo skulls, if only temporary.

Kitty was by earlier. He loves the cat mint and stayed in the garden for a while. Came back later for a short visit.

I slept for most of the afternoon.

Finished “The Secret River”. Watched some scenes from the Australian TV (ABC) miniseries – in Italian.

Ron Has Shelves!

Congratulate me: Ron and I cleared and vacuumed the area around his workbench this morning so John and Sean could put up shelves today and I am not yet a widow.

Chad and Sean continued work on the room: baseboard, HVAC and ceiling tile. Mudder will be here on Friday.

John ordered enough extra plywood (2 sheets) to supply Ron’s shed loft project.

Wrote letters to 3 of Uncle Bob’s family; FB messaged the fourth.

Got final figures on the HELOC. Even though our interest rate skyrocketed, the term is longer, so we have more cash flow, about $40/month.

Submitted unclaimed property requests, over $400 worth, to the State Treasurer’s office. Shirley found some as well!

Caught up from sick Sunday: laundered and changed sheets and Ron did the transfer station run.

He also did the bagel run at the Senior Center, drove James to Hyannis so James could get his iPhone fixed and drove Robert to and from work. Mercifully, Alpha had the day off.

Punk this morning but better this evening.

Ron’s Birthday

Had a bad night, including leg cramps.

Made a simple lunch for us, rotini and sauce.

Picked up a beautiful chocolate cake with vanilla icing at Washashore for Ron’s birthday.

It poured for a while.

Stopped in to the Mashpee Commons planning office. A very pleasant young woman collaborated with me on proposing a grange hall with a commercial kitchen.

Realtor had a whizz-bang last minute open house across the street. He was nice enough to let me see the tile work around the grill in the back. As he tried to leave, another car pulled up.

Ron did laundry, but we punted on changing the sheets and transfer station run.

Did some research on Captain Alex MacLean, the pirate.


Cold hit me hard today.

I was up early and did a little bit of pruning and watering.

Cleaned out more recyclables from the basement. Brought up the hummer feeders.

Got plumbing supplies at Eastman’s to fix the leak in the outdoor shower.

Ron cleaned the chipper while I picked up Alpha at work, watered the new day lilies at Edgewater, and dropped off recyclables and yard clippings at the transfer station.

Looks like the Coes don’t have a pirate in their tree, but the McLeans do: Captain Alexander M(a)cLean.

More Basement Cleanout

We are purging: nonworking dehumidifier, nonfunctional tables, fake flowers, cardboard and other recyclables. Ron has two more bags of paperwork to go through. More stuff, including my “crip” boot and canes, went into the attic.

Ron delivered to the transfer station and St. Vincent dePaul. I washed the floor and provided entry to anyone who wanted to work(didn’t happen).

The materials arrived today from Falmouth Lumber for Ron’s workshop shelves.

Scientists predict that we are heading for another mid-Pliocene era. Sea levels would be 30 meters higher than today and grasslands and savanna would predominate. Spoiled children will demand pet zebras. Expect SmartPak Equine to dive in to this new market.

Smokey was by this morning for the first time in days. He’s getting hefty, maybe because he’s not allowed to wander as much as he has in the past.

This afternoon, Ron mowed and I raked and weeded the lawn.

Still sick but not so bad; must have met this virus before. Spent some quality time in the hammock and watched the birds.

Property Taxes; Yard Work; Alpha’s Job (2); Sick

Ron and I worked outside from 11 to 4:30 today.  Nice day but very hot in the sun.

Here’s what we got done:

Dug up day lilies that a friend offered for free;
Took down and broke up the four sections of the old fence at Edgewater, got it all on the truck;
Disposed of the fence at Bourne;
Confirmed that Ron’s new Cumby card works (the old one had failed);
Gave James a ride to his bank and to Walgreen’s (me);
Planted the day lilies at Edgewater (me);
Broke down the pallet from Home Depot (Ron);
Emails to the fam.

Alpha kept me waiting for an hour on Tuesday. We’ve got a system now so we know when to pick them up. Ron got them yesterday, he was at Edgewater scoping out the fence, which we took down today, and only waited a couple of minutes. They like them at work!

I picked up the yard debris at Edgewater on Monday and brought it to the transfer station yesterday.

Paid the property taxes on Monday, May 1.

Sick today. Started feeling it yesterday.

Alpha’s Job

Solved a minor crisis with the Krups.  Cleaned it and the old coffeemaker last night with no problem, but when I tried making coffee this morning, it didn’t perk.  So, I used the old coffeemaker and it worked fine.

Drove Alpha to their new job today and wrote out and mailed checks on my way back to Mashpee.

Unfortunately, I left Alpha hanging when they were done: forgot to bring my phone in from the truck and never got their text.  They were gracious.  Said they had a good day and are looking forward to working again.

Drove Robert to work.  Stopped for baked goods at the Senior Center.

Had a good phone conversation with one of the captains at Mashpee PD.  Have his number for the future.

Stuffed all the tree pruning from the back yard at Edgewater into the truck.  Might bring it to Bourne tomorrow, have an errand there for the Keyes campaign.  It took me about five times to explain this to Ron, who didn’t believe I could fit all of it into the truck, especially without cutting it with the chainsaw.

Heard from my cousin Ron.

Katrina at Dr. v’s office had my back today and called in a script for a med that I’d forgotten to refill.  Picked it up at Walmart and did a shop at Shaw’s.