Days Are A Blur

Ron finished half of the shed loft today! We are already using it to store lumber.

I dug up a bushel of clover from 3 of our gardens and brought it to Emma’s sheep yesterday. Had a nice visit with her and her friend Barbara.

Finished the “Preowned” image corrections today. Working on RovingGM.

Meanwhile, we, mostly Ron, have been driving Robert and James to work and home.

I’ve been cleaning the walls in the new room so I can paint and in between times, weeding.

Had an exam yesterday at InMed – results were normal – and picked up a gallon of primer on the way home.

Ron fixed the spinner hose yesterday. It still worked even with the leak.

Have not been cooking, just salads. Frozen ravioli tonight.

Put the hibiscus and the geraniums out yesterday, but the leaves turned white. Too much sun, too soon. Hoping that new leaves will grow in.

6:30 PM: Where’d the Weekend Go?

We did the usual today: NY Times, transfer station, laundry, changed sheets.

We were able to cram everything into the truck: pruning from the holly at Edgewater, pruning from one of our lilacs, trash, recyclables, pizza boxes.

Got gas and dairy at Cumby. Checked out the discount nursery. Returned a book to the library.

Ron made omelets for breakfast, burritos for lunch and rhubarb sauce!

I dug out most of the clover from the herb garden. Ron started grinding the leaves with the Cuisinart for compost. Decided to hold off the rest in case Emma’s sheep would like it.

We were able to clean up and put away the tools before the rain.

First day of feeling healthy since May 3.

Plant Sales

Got up early for Roche Bros’ annual plant sale. Came home with four hanging geraniums and a couple of gaura.

Mike finished sanding the room. John and his dog Ozzie stopped by for his final check. He’s sending someone next week to work on the shed loft.

I managed to lock the driver side door of Ron’s van, but fortunately, John knew how to free it up.

All of this set me back, so by the time I got to the Green Briar plant sale, almost everything had sold.

I made a brief appearance at the SPEA membership meeting. Dropped off blueberry soda to the boys at iCape. Stopped in to the Master Gardeners Sale at the Fairgrounds and bought a nepeta and a phlox.

Peter had dropped off the truck and was visiting with Ron, so I gave him a lift home.

Got the first Treasurer’s unclaimed asset checks yesterday.

Cold, rainy day. Had enough daylight after veg burgers and fries for supper to load yesterday’s prunings in the truck; plant the gaura, nepeta and phlox, thus finishing what was supposed to be the white garden; and hose off the small tarp.

Holly, Mowing

Ron and I cleared a bunch of dead branches from the holly and mowed the front lawn at Edgewater.

I mowed the lawn, front and back, here and in the course of weeding, punctured the hose that feeds the whirl-a-gig.

Peter borrowed the truck for the day.

James is done with public school! He aced his classes so he’s exempt from finals. Starts work full time tomorrow.


Yesterday we spread mulch in front of the entrance sign at SPEA and did a deep prune of bushes in front of the fence at Edgewater. Dropped the wood off today.

Still waiting for the drywall mud to set so the new room can be finished.  Very damp this week; even with the space heater going full blast, it’s taking days.

Recruiter lined up a phone interview for Monday at 1, Lewiston contract.

Home inspection across the street.

Lively discussion on the Handmaid’s FB group about surrogacy and adoption.

Disappointed in results of yesterday’s Town election.

I’ve been knocking Ron for months for dragging his feet on the shed loft, so figured it was only right to clean the carpet in the bedrooms.  The Little Green does a fine job!

Drove Alpha to YAG today and caught up with Robert’s work news on the way home. Did a shop at Trader Joe’s, World Market and GOL.

Mother’s Day

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and cheese; home fries; asparagus; garlic rolls; fruit.

We did the transfer station.

Ron mowed the back and side of the yard. I washed and prepped strawberries for supper.

Chad and Mike came by to check out the room for dry wall finishing. Ron talked with Chad about outlets. Seems Mark the electrician has more work to do here.

We got the sheets changed and laundry washed and put away.

EE Day 2; Potato Salad

Great day watching and listening to the second and final day of the EE competition.

Rained a little for most of the day.  I did a very brief trim of the front bushes and put the leaf shredder away.

Ron drove this morning and I drove the boys home this evening.  Light shop at Roche.

Ron prepped a half bag of potatoes.  I made potato salad and saved off a few for hash browns and mashed.

Still trying to shake this cold.

Shredding; Essentially Ellington; Squirrels Nest?

This is the weekend of Essentially Ellington, which takes the curse off the worst holiday of the year, MotherF*g Day.

We unloaded the truck at the transfer station.  Only had to pay $9, a deal.  I hated to leave the wood pieces.

We brought five bags of shredding, including old tax returns and CapeCoder files, to the Barnstable Senior Center, courtesy of AARP.  Got there at 11:10 which was smart; they were lined up starting at 10, as I predicted.

We got sidetracked this afternoon trying to remove a squirrels nest under the solar panels.  Ron was able to remove or at least displace some leaves with the water blaster, but we need to come up with a different strategy to get rid of all of it.

While Ron worked on nest removal, I brought a second load to the transfer station, this time all recyclables.

Ron water-blasted the front door, and it looks much better.

I mowed the front lawn.  House across the street is under agreement.  I guess no one minded my sign after all!