Soup; Quick Bread; M2R; Gutters

I did 15 minutes of M2R today.  Good turnout.  Some wacko was there with a big Trump flag, but he didn’t engage.

I made squash soup and then pumpkin bread with cherries.

Ron and I cleaned the gutters.  He did the front and I did the back.  He’s working on replacing the gutter guards.

After M2R, I stopped in to the First Congregational Church and got info on their open mic nights, first and third Thursdays at 7.  Looking forward to.

Fell asleep around 7:30, woke up after 10.  Emptied the dishwasher, made coffee and cleaned up the kitchen a bit.

Lights; Service Center

Picked up meds at Walmart.  Cost and dosage was more than I expected and the pharmacist was quite annoyed to have to redo it, and to check to see if an online coupon would give me a better deal (it wouldn’t have).

I was damned irritated that no one asked me about insurance.  They assumed that I have coverage and wrote a prescription for a month’s worth of out of pocket med.  I hope to find out on Monday how many weeks I REALLY have to use this.

Walmart’s cash price is very competitive, though.

Ron and I put up holiday lights.  Just the large bushes next to the front steps.

I’ve been so absentminded that I forgot the holiday events I’d intended to attend last night and tonight.  Maybe just as well, given how much I hate crowds.

We made a stop at the Service Center and picked up the usual carriage full of good things, including frozen broccoli, cheese, milk, butter(!), soup and produce.  This is helping us stay afloat, enormously.

I’ve been craving – and eating – greens as if I were a goat or a cow.  Maybe the blood donation has something to do with it?

The Service Center also gave us a magnificent wreath for the front door!  I missed the cut for a DYI wreath project at the senior center, so was thrilled we got this.

I’m hoping that we’ll be done with Edgewater long before James finishes college.

Tired today.  Ron irritated me and I did the same to him.

It doesn’t help that we are both frustrated with the DPW.    Their claim that a culvert needs repair makes no sense to us.

Worse, Greg filled Ron in on why these streets are private, and it has nothing to do with their condition!

Posted a public comment to opposing the detestable National Primate Research Centers’ attempt to force airlines to transport primates for medical research.  Sadists can go to hell.

Got some SQL to work today for MRS Student Detail.

Docs; Blood Donation

Had appointments this week with Drs. vH and A.  Doc A re-burned the lesion on my arm.  It has shrunk from July, so we are optimistic that it’s not malignant.

We donated blood at Falmouth Hospital yesterday.  They seem to be the only donor location that offers pizza, and we took full advantage.  We went separately, since I had things to do in Falmouth in the morning.

Roasted squash.

Picked up Nader’s latest book at the library and dropped off movie passes to Robert and Peter.  Got everyone’s wish lists for the holidays.

The creator of Sponge Bob Squarepants passed away this week.  Ron told me about hearing a Maori version of the theme song on the radio; I sent a link to the grands.

Ron and I signed up for the VNA’s January fitness class.

Continuing to work on the .NET version of “Student Detail”.  What a chore.


Eighth Anniversary

We went to lunch at Pan d’Avignon.  Had supper at home.  Ron bought almond croissants for dessert!

We also did the transfer station run.

Ron attended his Fitness session.  I bought coffee(!), on sale at Stop & Shop.  Pasta with simple tomato sauce and greens for supper.

MRS; Laundry; Ron is Cooking

Worked on the new “Student Detail” page conversion to .NET.  Had a couple of Visual Studio issues to deal with, including a reference to a compiled rather than the original version of code and a cache file that needed deletion.

We did laundry and changed the sheets.

Raining this morning but not as cold, 47.

Ron made quesadillas for supper: corn, refrieds, sweet pepper, rice, summer squash.


Good Saturday

We both stood out with M2R.

Ron took out the air conditioners while I mowed and raked the front.

I roasted kale and spaghetti squash while Ron did a short food shop.

Incredibly, we were able to close the living room window where we had the a/c.

Spaghetti squash and old sauce for supper.