Chores; Rain

It’s been raining off and on most of the day, which is good for replenishing the aquifer and bad for our solar.

Did the transfer station and 3 loads of laundry, changed sheets.

Used up the box of Glutino gluten-free pizza mix that expired over two years ago.  The yeast was still active, although the flour may have been “off” a little and was very messy to handle.  Still, it made a beautiful pizza: olives, mushrooms, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, spinach.  We ate 1/3, froze the rest.


I’ve been mulling over my doc’s suggestion that I find activities outside the house.  She herself is extremely social; I can’t remember all the clubs and societies she belongs to.

Anyway, I browsed through the local meetups and library activities and found a book club at the Falmouth library that sounds good.

So, I was able to borrow a copy of the book they are reading for their next meeting, Sarah Vowell’s The Wordy Shipmates from the Sandwich Library, who kindly held their copy for me.

My card had expired, so they gave me a new one, and on the way out, I noticed they are offering “Girls Who Code” starting in January.  I left a note for the instructor to call me if she needs a T/A.

After the library, we went to Titcomb’s with the intention of browsing, but found Christmas gifts for both of us, two decks of Yoga exercise cards.  The salesperson even wrapped them beautifully for us.

This morning, I set up the little electric fireplace in the downstairs room and confirmed that the remote works.  Can’t remember what we did this afternoon after the bookstore, though.

One-Day Vacation; No-Plow

We went to Duxbury yesterday for cones at FarFar’s and brought home an all-ice cream cake for Peter’s birthday today.

We also stopped at the Patisserie for almond croissants.

In the morning, I sat in on a Town committee meeting for about 40 minutes.  Feeling sorry for the Chair, she’s got a tough road.

Ron was so busy slobbering over pictures of Elizabeth Hurley that he “forgot” to keep an appointment with his urologist.  Can’t get much more Freudian than that, LOL!

We lost power for about 15 minutes yesterday. 

A fellow citizen who works for the DPW called us to say that he doesn’t think we need road repair work to put our street back on the no-plow list.

Light snow on the ground this morning.

Tofu Pot Pie; MRS

Marinated tofu in veg broth and soy sauce.  Browned the tofu, set aside.  Browned onion, garlic, potatoes, carrots and peas.  Added mushroom soup, turkey seasoning, fresh thyme and rosemary, the tofu marinade and a little corn starch.  Threw on a crust, baked for about 20 minutes.

Ron is off for a checkup with his eye doc.

I tweaked two of the wreaths.

Working on MRS for 2019.

Letter from rels in Maine!

M2R; Theme; Transfer Station

Had to change themes because a WP update blew out my old one.  Now, I can’t find the image I was using.  There’s also a new editor.  Oh, well.

Was very cold this weekend.  Did the M2R standout on Saturday and afterwards, visited the renovated Falmouth bus station: beautiful!

We did transfer station this afternoon.  Ron, the ambitious one, decided to wash and change the sheets when we got back.

I put together a wreath for the street side of the shed.  I may redo the decorations.

Still working on “student details”.  Didn’t realize I’d already drafted the schedule for 2019; must send to Nicole.

Just heard from Bart!

“Hawkeye” and the Oak

Coffee With A Cop; Holiday Cards

Really enjoyed the discussion this morning with the Mashpee Police Command staff, including the Chief and Captain Rose.

They are committed to being professional, and I believe them.

Picked up the holiday cards at Staples and got a chunk of the out-of-state group mailed.

Easy: no signing.

Put two more strings of lights on one of the bushes to even them out.  Aubuchon actually undersells Job Lot on their LED lights.

Mashpee PD Captain Rose, Lieutenant Naas and Chief Carline

Mechanical Geniuses

We have yet to hear from a couple of asphalt companies.  We did get one estimate of $500, which might as well be $5 million.

As far as I’m concerned, our street can stay unplowed this winter.

Yesterday, I mowed the back yard lawn at Edgewater.  The back yard has a few bumps and low spots.  Spring fix.

Nice email from Carolee and by strange synchronicity, I got an email from the Onset neighborhood association about a party being hosted by “Carolee and Rebecca”!

I went to the dentist for teeth cleaning this morning and to the senior center for wreath-making this afternoon.  Dropped in briefly to Ron’s class.

The shop vac was making strange noises, the kind that happens when the bearings need to be cleaned and oiled.

We took it apart and like idiots turned on the motor after removing it from its housing.

It skidded, gouged the table, sparked, and fell, catching itself in my slacks and one of my socks.  Fortunately, it tripped a fuse before it could damage my leg.

Groupon had a nice deal for holiday cards from Staples, so we picked out a design we liked and ordered 50.  I bought stamps for cards that are going to Canada and a gift certificate for Peter’s birthday.

Mow; Mac and Cheese; MRTC

Ron cleaned out the dryer today and is planning to reassemble the vent tomorrow.

I mowed the lawn, front and back.  We should be just about done with leaves.

I made a revved up mac and cheese for the MRTC meeting.  Only three of us, which was nice.  Tom shared info on road repair.  Phyllis mentioned some history lectures coming up that sound pretty interesting.

No Plow List: Nothing Ventured, and Nothing Gained

We spoke briefly at the Selectmen’s meeting last night about our frustration with the DPW’s putting our street on the “no plow” list.

This morning, the Assistant Town Manager called, as he’d promised.

We did learn one helpful fact, that the street will be plowed in the event of a major storm, over 6 inches of snow.

Also, County Road isn’t on the list, so it will be plowed.

He did mention something I’ve been curious about, that the homeowners on Winslow Drive had petitioned for their street to be made public, but they dropped the idea when they found out how much it would cost.

We also got some information on recycling and trash disposal.  It sounded like he shares our concerns for the environment.

Transfer Station; StudentDetail; Yardwork

Ron and I did the transfer station run and since it was getting late, we stopped at Dino’s so he could have lunch before his Fitness group.

While he was gone, I did a little yardwork; cleaned up the corner garden, planted the mum that had been hanging by the front door and replanted a portulaca that I’d raked out of the ground by mistake.

Still working on the new student detail page for MRS.

Ron did a small grocery shopping, which he loves and I hate.  We needed staples, like washing machine detergent and flour.

It was pleasant and mild today, mid-fifties, and after Ron left, I sat for a while on the deck to watch the sky.  Nice sunset.

It’s low thyroid med day, so I’m cold and tired.  My right arm is spasming, too.  Ron gave me some minerals which we hope will help.

Still no word on our inquiry about the no-plow list.  Waiting for callbacks from my doctor’s office and the town planner.