Andy, Kathy, Ed

Three long conversations today, one with our BOS chair, one with our Library director and one with our mortgagee.

This sounds stupid, but I’m glad I was dressed somewhat professionally, in Dockers instead of sneakers. Comfortable, too.

Meanwhile, I zested the lemon and finished cooking the veg loaf.

Yesterday evening, we went to Scenic Roots for a “Thirsty Thursday” sampling of cocktails flavored with plants and herbs: lemon grass, cucumber, basil, jalapeno, gin, vodka. Brought home a lemon grass and planted it today.

Shoes; Solar

After picking up a couple of items at Home Depot and metric tools that Ron’s been wanting at Harbor Freight, we took advantage of a sale at James’ store and brought home boots for Ron and long-wished for Dockers for me.

It was a ridiculous expense, but we’d planned the shop to take advantage of James’ employee discount, which as it turned out, was not as good as their current sale, the biggest of the year.

The store was mobbed, it’s easy to understand why. Their selection of high-end shoes at substantial discounts is fabulous.

Last evening, we were invited to learn about the new solar farm at the Fairgrounds. We were the only neighbors to show up, and I took full advantage by talking with the manager and the solar company representatives at length.

It’s a terrific project which should help the Agricultural Society stay solvent and it won’t affect us at all.


Wendy and Jay,

Thank you for your warm welcome last evening and for the opportunity to talk with you and the solar firm representatives about your upcoming project.

I’ve lived on Cape for almost 18 years and have visited the Fairgrounds most every year.

There’s a lot of animosity on Cape towards those of us not born lucky in looks, so it was a pleasant surprise to have such a positive experience last evening. I did receive a rather snide comment, not from you, that we should be grateful to live so close by. We certainly are, and I was surprised to be put down in that way. Please be assured, we don’t take the Fairgrounds for granted.

Best of luck with your project. We want to support the Agricultural Society and the phenomenal resource you provide in every possible way.


Ron had a bad jam in the shredder which has resulted in his not being able to use it for the moment. He lost the dipstick and needs to drain the gas and oil.

I’ve been using the grill to bake. Made a crustless spinach quiche for lunch today; it was good except burnt on the bottom. Made a casserole with spaghetti squash that turned out very well.

Found a recipe this morning for pseudo-tuna that is quite acceptable: garbanzo beans (we still have several cans) with lemon, celery, onion, mayo.

Ron’s doctor ordered a last-minute script for him which he was able to pick up at S&S. I signed him up on their website so he can order refills online.

Aside from cooking and half-hearted cleaning, I’ve mostly been watering.

Kitty has been around! He likes one of the chairs on the deck.

Hazardous Waste; Transfer Station

We, mostly me, filled a recycle bin with chemicals, primarily insecticides, to be turned in for hazardous waste disposal.

We, mostly Ron, had a pile of sensitive documents to be shredded.

Ron brought it to the high school this morning. We did the transfer station afterwards. Early end to chores; humidity is high today and expected to last through the weekend.

Hurry up, September.

Brush Cleanup

I haven’t been working much outdoors but yesterday, we did a serious cleanup of overgrown brush on the Southeast side of the yard.

I noticed this after the heavy rains this past Spring but have been distracted by other things. It was great to get a handle on it.

We filled up the truck and came back from the transfer station with an impractical but pretty metal settee for the garden. We brought another half load or so to the brush pile before the station closed.

We haven’t received rent for this month. It’s out of control.

Ron and I are the same age as some rest home residents. We shouldn’t have to worry about this.

We received a package from Betsy yesterday: Ron’s Cape Cod Healthcare hat, which was cleverly found by Betsy’s granddaughter, and some clothes for me.

Kousa Dogwood; Blood Donation

The dogwood that I transplanted earlier this year is suffering, and it may be due to lack of water.

My level was high enough, 14.1, so both of us donated to Cape Cod Healthcare yesterday. One of the nurses is a gardener; she encouraged me to not give up on the poor tree.

We picked up my Mashpee 9 tee and on the way back, stopped at Sprout Farm for corn and marked-down herbs. I finished making a planter of basil and mint this morning.

Ron wanted to stop at the library on the way home, so while he was browsing, I stepped in to the Mashpee School Department store, and wrote a note to a service person. Did some window shopping at Williams Sonoma on the way back.

Passed on an interview for a job in town.

Made egg salad yesterday. Haven’t done much today besides watering.

Ron’s “Birthday” Cookout

We worked on cleaning the house and yard for two days, and it was well worth it.

Weather was ideal for a cookout; no bugs, either.

Cathy and Cindy brought cheese and crackers, ice, cranberry juice and a superb salad. We had rum, hamburgers, hot dogs, rolls, coleslaw, swiss chard salad and watermelon.

Summer punch: coconut and dark rum, cranberry and pineapple juice.