Zucchini Land

I picked up a huge zucchini a week or so ago and finished cooking it today as zucchini bread and pasta sauce/panko “boats”. I baked one bread in the microwave and one on the grill.

Also made coleslaw with a mayo/horseradish dressing.

Bitch, Moan, Complain

I was so impressed with Peter’s new little outdoor niche that I decided it would be nice to have the pop-up in place for the rest of the Summer and Fall.

Big mistake: Ron offered to help and because it’s impossible for me to do this on my own, I accepted.

He complained the entire time that everything I’d done was wrong, from selecting the site (too many trees) to putting on the canopy at the wrong time.

Today, there was another argument about buying outdoor chairs. Ron yelled that we can’t afford it. I asked him how he would know that, since I’m the keeper of the household expenses.

I found two folding camp chairs on sale at Aubuchon. These are ideal: they are lightweight so we can bring them to concerts and the beach, and they take very little storage. With a 20% off coupon, they were half price: $15.06 for both, which we can easily afford.

I ordered the chairs online and picked them up at the Falmouth store. Unfortunately, one of the chairs had a tear, but the South Sandwich store manager cheerfully allowed us to exchange it. We’ll be back.

I helped a very disabled lady load plants into her car.

We’ve been working on laundry. Ron hung sheets outside, which I think was crazy, but good for him.

We went to Shaw’s for bargain bagels. We saved so much on the chairs, it was like getting the bagels for free…..

I made green salad, potato salad, egg salad and baked an eggplant loaf on the grill.

Transfer Station

Got that done today.

Ron did the lawn. He discovered that I was using the wrong gas, duh. Mower seems to be running fine, though.

Picked up a stellar old candelabrum for the garden at the transfer station.

I finally prepped the first set of harvested garlic. Used some tonight with spiralized zuccini. Fresh corn.

Herb Garden

I’ve neglected it this summer; bad move because it has some of the best soil on the property.

Filled a barrel with weedy biomass, including violets. Gave everything that was left a good watering; putting a layer of compost on first would have been smart, duh.

Speaking of “duh”: Ron macerated the chipper bag. I swept up what I could and removed the rest with the shop vac.

Drove with Peter to get his car. Did a little shopping and funds transfer in Falmouth so I could pay the property taxes on Edgewater.

Boca burgers, salad, leftover mac and cheese for supper.

Too * Hot; Peter Has the Truck; Coolant; Pantry

I drove James to work yesterday and Robert today. We drove Robert home on Monday so we could give him his birthday card and a Cumby gift card.

Third hot, humid day.

I got to the Pantry yesterday and since they had no baked goods, picked up bagels at Panera (Tuesday special) and two loaves of bread at Stop & Shop. Introduced myself to Nathaniel; nice to meet him at last!

Ron helped me put coolant in the truck yesterday. The reservoir was almost empty.

Peter’s car is at Midas. I picked up spices and marked-down treats at Job Lot beforehand. Timing was about perfect, got to Midas as he was finishing up.

Started watering at 7 this morning. Washed the truck; Ron is working on the van now.

Big Weekend

We left Friday around 11 am and got to Jaffrey around 3 or so.

Betsy had a full afternoon and evening planned, and I believe she tried to introduce us to half the state of New Hampshire.

Thorndike Beach Club

We visited their Thorndike Beach Club, attended a Project Shakespeare reading and reception and then the Amos Forum lecture with yet another reception.

By the fourth “Meet and Greet”, I was worn out and the first to leave. Easy walk down the hill to their house.

Next day, after pancakes, we went to the thrift shop at the transfer station and the Jaffrey River Fest, where we caught up with Jenda and the grands. At some point, David drove us back to the house via a gorgeous scenic route. Later, he and Ron took a spin around a pond they like.

Sunday morning, we visited Charles and Jenda’s garden and were on the road by 11:30 or thereabouts. We stopped at White’s so Ron could set his GPS and for corn.

Ron wanted to see his cousin in Natick, so we got off Route 2 and took 126 through Concord. Nice ride.

We made it home in plenty of time to unpack and go to the last day of the Fair, where we enjoyed the craft exhibits.

Peter had done a great job watering the potted plants; everything is fine.

Betsy is in charge of her church “White Elephant” table. She gave us a set of cordial glasses which she’d planned to donate. We’re enchanted with the colors, so I put them on the kitchen window sill rather than hiding them in a cupboard or cabinet.

Today, I’m working on laundry and photos. Ron is out.

Just got back from a very good planning session for the MRTC’s “meet and greet” next month.

Shower; Beans

Ron finished up the shower today!

I did laundry.

We washed the truck and the van. It took a good hour because of the oak tree junk from the storm earlier this week.

Harvested a nice bunch of green beans.