MTR; Haircuts; Rose of Sharon; Hummers

I picked a perfect day to stand out with MTR: Paul was in a helicopter.

Great to see Occupiers and familiar MTR faces, some from Mashpee.

Sad to see Roland head to Western Mass., though.

Drove home via the coast. Numerous Open Houses.

Ron used a coupon to get a buzz cut at Great Clips. I paid the regular senior-discounted price for a trim.

The Rose of Sharon that I thought I’d murdered has flowers! Very pleased with that garden, and hoping the transplanted hibiscus take hold.

Cleaned out the wild onion, not a nice plant and was crowding some others. Pulled out a handful of the mini bee balm and trimmed off the seed heads. Trimmed the laurel in front of the second bedroom window.

The hummers have been gobbling up Ron’s syrup; hard to keep up with them.


Nice rain, sometimes quite fierce, yesterday and before dawn today, but the tomatoes are intact. I picked a one-pounder this morning.

Ron saw our dermatologist yesterday. We got shakes at DQ, picked up my meds at Walmart and coffee at Shaw’s.

Ron drove Robert home so Peter could bring James to work. Road debris cracked James’ windshield and it couldn’t be repaired yesterday because of the rain. James’ driving test is today. Fingers crossed.

I was late for a Zoning Board of Appeals hearing on the proposed Dollar Tree store. Fortunately, the hearing was postponed to September 11. Several neighbors from the North side of 151 were there; their conversation was a good recap and one gent who has his stuff together kindly answered my questions.

After a thoroughly unsatisfactory meeting with our insurance agent, I dropped off copies of our policies to Rogers & Gray. Hope they can find alternatives. The woman I spoke with, a manager, was knowledgeable and understanding.

After driving Robert home, I got stuck in traffic, but had time to put together stuffed zukes for supper. Ron and I, mostly Ron, made egg salad for lunch. We ate pretty well today!

Poor James didn’t pass his driver’s test, and his car still has a crack in the windshield. What a week for them…. hebdomas horribilis.

More Brush, Mow

Ron cut down and brought more brush to the transfer station yesterday and left the tarps. I retrieved the big silver tarp this morning from Russ and tossed the old blue one.

I mowed yesterday. Easy, fast; it had cooled off.

Mailed a letter to young Livy.

Spoke with two realtors about Edgewater.

Dug up turf and weeds to make a continuous garden plot from the pink Monarda to the Eastern Redbud, which has grown some impressive roots. Transplanted five Hibiscus; left one in place. Potted three Hibiscus seedlings and put them on the deck where I can keep an eye on them.

Ron couldn’t find the hinges to the shower door. Bought new ones, then I found the old ones. He’ll return the new hinges tomorrow.