Who’s Bright Idea Was This?

The email announcing Donald Trump’s appearance at the national convention must surely be from the Borowitz report or some other satirical outlet.

How many Libertarian principles does Trump honor?

Personal liberty: he’s attacked LGBTQ and Trans people

Free trade: remember those tariffs on Chinese imports?

Immigration: Trump is proposing using the National Guard to deport 15-20 million people

Separation of church and state, respect for the constitution, honoring the self-determination of women of child-bearing age….these are consistent with Libertarian principles and in every case, Trump gets a failing grade.

He was the first modern American president to leave office with fewer jobs than when he was inaugurated. He exploded the national debt. His response to the COVID pandemic was, in the journal “Public Administration’s” classic understatement, “sub-optimal”.

Trump’s temporary tax cuts make him a hero to some. They seem to forget that these expire next year. Let the Republicans have their Trump convention, but please reconsider the decision to invite him to ours. This is not the kind of association that we need – now or ever.

I Worked

Ron did, too, eventually.

I/we managed to cleanup the left side yard. Even the horrible corner with the “Tree of Heaven”. We filled four bags, Ron took as many as he had time for to the transfer station. Got there with four minutes to spare!

Ron mowed the lawn yesterday and it looks fantastic. By lawn, I mean the collection of ground cover and grass in our yard.

We went to the Log Lunch yesterday. Showed up for the line at 11:30, but it looked like the big crowd got there around 11:40 or so.

We went to Ben’s first baseball game of the season, and he did very well. Bell came over to stand with us, which was fabulous of him. He asked how long it would take for a frog to get around the world: I figure about 7 months.

Tonight we went to a fine discussion and concert featuring the Eddie Henderson Quartet at the Manton Center.


I cleaned up on both side yards and made good progress on shoveling out the soil and tree debris in front of the driveway-side gate.

Bell helped me unload the logs in the back shed.

I forget what Ron got done today but I’m sure it was worthwhile.

May Day

Dropped off the check for the half-year property taxes.

Ron finished putting up the tool holder in the family room, and it is a very good addition!

Picked up lunches to go at the Food Project.

Seem to have made progress on Warranty.

Pruned and sprayed the roses off the deck.

Started clearing the plowed soil that was interfering with the right gate.

Ron met with Betsy et al at Five Corners yesterday on their way to NH.

Finished A Couple of TBDs

I installed the bracket – with screws this time – on the bedroom window and rehung the curtains.

After liberating a black wasp which likely entered the bedroom from the attic, I squared away the hatch cover, which had been put back a little askew.

Finally rehung the two rods that had gotten torn off the big wind chime.

Ron did laundry; we changed the bedsheets. Ron also picked up lunches at the senior center. I’ve not signed up for May.

Ron did his best to stir the paint, but it seems to be a lost cause. Wonder if I can return it?

Eggs and Weeding

Ron promised to make scrambled eggs this morning, but I forgot to buy some yesterday.

Not wanting to dress for a supermarket trip, I figured there’d be eggs for sale at one of the farms on our hill.

Saw a sign for eggs a short way up but ended up at the cattle farm by mistake. The owner cheerfully directed me to the big white house next door. Fresh eggs for $4 a dozen: not bad and a gorgeous ride and view.

I picked some dandelion greens for a side, which we steamed. By this time, it was just shy of noon, so it was brunch: eggs, greens and bagels.

Afterwards I dug out more dandelions from the front yard and the driveway walkway. Left the ones in the back for the bees. I neglected weeding dandelions last year so happy to have this done.

Full Friday

Pruned and sprayed the climbing rose. Put out more pest repellant in the gardens.

Enjoyed lunch and a fine lecture on recycling at the Log.

Picked up our lunches at the senior center, went back later for frozen blueberries.

Dropped off a movie at the library, Ron returned a book.

Transfer station run. Disposed of the two old ceiling fans, plastic and paper.

Attended a presentation on dementia and enjoyed wine and hors d’oeuvres at Sweetwood.

Dropped by to say hi to Linnea, met her sister Ann.

Ron and I had a great time at the Williams College Jazz Orchestra spring concert.

Got Very Little Done

Searched emails, bank accounts and this blog to find an order I placed for tomatoes and other vegetable plants, but no luck.

Found the Roku adapter and it works, but the cord is quite short. After chatting with their support person, I ended up with several mistaken orders of a free extension which may or may be helpful.

Found more cables for Ron’s setup. He seems to be missing one, unfortunately.

Ron picked up a paint stirrer at RK Miles and returned the adapter he bought at Walmart.

I’ve been culling emails – nonsensical use of time.

I’m pretty sure we have enough to pay property taxes on May 1.


I changed the sheets and returned a DVD to the library.

My hope to paint was stymied: the paint was solid from being in the cold sunroom.

I was able to weed out an invasive plant – garlic mustard – from three gardens. Couldn’t get the roots each time but at least removed the reproductive parts.

Finished Warranty, as much as I’ve been told to code. Waiting for feedback and possibly more instructions.

Attended the first event of a new group, I Know Why She Stayed, at Studio 9. Enjoyed Misty Blues’ usual great performance. We’ll be seeing them again on May 10.

Watched the adult animated fantasy action film “Beowulf” with Ron.