Eventful day.
Our angel – he’s got to be, no human being ever lived who’s as good as this person – delivered our goods from the storage unit in Wareham to us. He’s offered to come back weekend after this coming one to help us organize. Says he’s OCD, which is pretty much what we need now.
Lizzie had a good romp in the back yard and found an open gate. We’re told cars were driving around her (they do race up and down this hill). A kind person stopped to corral her, and Ron did the rest.
We found a way to use the broken down trash shed and got our garbage stowed for the night. Hope to get a transfer station sticker tomorrow (Thursday).
Still no word on the closing.
Ron got the platform for the king bed apart until the last step. Turns out the bottom rungs come out by themselves, otherwise there’s no way to get it up the stairs.
What else? Got the cable account set up for autopay. Slammed enough money into Chase and HFCU to clear both accounts.
Took a shower, figured out the faucet upstairs.
Outlook is working. Miraculously.