Yep, Exhausted

Thought I slept reasonably well last night in two sessions, but I’m knackered today.

Forgot to give the clean-out guys two boxes of recyclables yesterday so after two other tries, was able to drop them off to the Falmouth Service Center resale shop this afternoon.

Was about half an hour later than their drop-off time, but a kind, generous, decent soul took the two boxes anyway. God bless, sir.

I had to sneak the boxes out of the house. Ron is refusing to get rid of anything.

I thought the movers told me they won’t take the mattresses and have come up empty on what to do.

Fortunately, I was wrong.

Early this morning, I packed more boxes of Ron’s LPs and CDs.

Picked up more free boxes from the movers.

Spoke with Gail today to make plans for Monday. Promised to pack everything that can be fit in boxes between now and then.

Have packed 30 boxes so far.

No one, including me, sent the Williamstown attorney the final agreement, so I emailed it to her today.

After today, only four more days to pack.

At least I got my health, hospital indemnity and dental insurance squared away.

Meanwhile, Ron is working on cleaning up the lawn and did exactly the opposite of what I asked.