I’m almost done replanting the rest of the flower boxes on the porch.
A meander down 6A from Dennis to Peter’s house included a productive stop at the County Farm, where I picked up two nice, bushy (you should forgive the phrase) impatiens. A couple of six packs of fall pansies should finish off the job.
Cost of Living
I know a lot of Cape Codders who are thinking or at least dreaming about moving further South.
And by South, I don’t mean Rhode Island.
Cricket Season
Around here, comes August, come the crickets.
Last year, I had an invasion of the little buggers in the basement, and I grew to hate their miserable chirping, amplified by the unfinished cement floors and walls.
Oh, Canada….
And one had hope that somewhere in North America, judges have the decency to protect children with the one weapon at their disposal: levying meaningful consequences for abuse and neglect.
Fat f* chance.
It’s Still A Mystery
I still have a hard time understanding why Bush’s support, especially among veterans, is so high. I can’t imagine any man admiring Bush as a role model, but many millions do.
3 Weekends to Labor Day
Labor Day is late this year, but it still feels like Summer is winding down. Soon it will be time for “the last corn, the last swim, the last blueberries.”
Too Good To Be True?
After many months of struggling with lousy hardware (I was running VS.NET on a PIII) and worse project management, my .NET colleague and I were liberated this week by our end-user customer and brought on board direct.
A Kiss is Just a Kiss?
So, at a recent campaign rally, the person (it sears my soul to write his name) who stole the Presidency plastered a wet one on the pate of folk hero Senator John McCain.
Oooh, payback’s gonna be a bitch for that unseemly bit of political theater.
Are we absolutely sure that Junior hasn’t started drinking again?
And Yet Another CD…
…. for the desert island backpack: Cape Verde’s “barefoot diva” Cesaria Evora/Caf
Bin Laden or another major terrorist leader will be captured by the US or a “friendly” government, like Pakistan, and/or the terrorism response alert will be raised to orange (“high”) on one or more of the following dates:
October 1
October 6
October 9 and
October 14 of this year
Wanna know why? Continue reading…